•|• Chapter 11

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Jimin woke up early the next day, wanting to go and dance. He hadn't danced himself in a while, so that's what he planned to do.

Jimin got up out of bed and got dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a loose white tee-shirt. He walked out of his room and grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen and something to eat.

After putting his coat and shoes on, Jimin grabbed his keys and walked out of the apartment, heading to the studio.

He arrived at the studio, having to unlock the front doors himself as he was the first one there. He walked into the studio he normally teaches in and set his things down.

He plugged his phone into the speakers and started warming up. Once he was ready, he played the music and started dancing. He let his body flow to the rhythm of the music.

Jimin danced for quite a while, before he heard his phone go off. He finished up the song he was on, before walking over and checking what the message was.

Jimin looked and saw that it was Hoseok texting him.


You should come back. We could watch a movie or something?


I'm practicing though...


Jimin-ah, I want to hang out though.


We live together.


Yes, but that doesn't mean we can't still hang out.


Alright, I'll be there in 10.

Jimin started gathering all his things before walking out of the studio and out onto the sidewalk.

After Jimin arrived home, he set his things down and looked around for Hoseok. He spotted the older sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

"Hey Hyung," Jimin said, taking a seat on the couch.

"Jimin-ah," Hoseok said.

"So, what do you want to do then?" Jimin asked.

"Just kind of wanted to watch a movie," Hoseok mumbled, a little nervous.

"Alright, why don't you pick out the movie and, I can get some snacks," Jimin said, noticing Hoseok was nervous.

Jimin knows Hoseok sometimes gets like this, where he just needs some comfort. He has no clue what causes Hoseok to get like this, but he is happy to help Hoseok and cuddle him.

Jimin came back from the kitchn holding a few different snacks, while Hoseok was getting ready to start the movie. Jimin sat down right against Hoseok, setting the snacks down on the table in front of them.

The movie started and Hoseok immediately cuddled into Jimin's side. Jimin picked up his fingers and ran them through Hoseok's hair slowly.

They watched the movie for a little while, before Jimin decided to ask Hoseok what was wrong.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Jimin whispered in the olders ear.

"Yes, I just wanted to cuddle," Hoseok said.

"Okay," Jimin smiled.

They continued watching the movie that Hoseok picked out, still cuddled into each other.

Ding, Dong

"I'll be right back," Jimin said. "It will only be a minute."

Jimin knew Hoseok would probably whine about having to let go, but this time he didn't. Hoseok let go of Jimin pretty quickly.

Jimin walked to the front door and opened it up to see someone he didn't want to see today. Taehyung. Don't get him wrong, any other day seeing Taehyung wouldn't be bad, but today he really didn't want to deal with it.

"Hey Jimin-hyung, I was wondering if we could hang out today?" Taehyung asked.

"Uh, Taehyung, I would love to if it were any other day, but there's something going on right now," Jimin said, feeling a little bad.

"That's alright, I understand. I hope everything is okay."

"It is, just text me when you want to hang out. We can arrange a day. Again I'm sorry it's just today is not a good day."

"Alright, I talk to you later then Hyung," Taehyung said.

Jimin closed the door and took a deep breath before walking back into the living room.

"Who was it?" Hoseok asked, cuddling back into Jimin's side.

"Taehyung-ah," Jimin said, running his fingers through Hoseok's hairs again.

"Why was he here?"

"He wanted to hang out, but I told him I had something going on today."

"Like what?" Hoseok asked.

"You. I have you going on today," Jimin said.

"Oh," Hoseok said, a light blush appearing on his face.

"You're more important than me hanging out with Taehyung, okay?"

"Okay," Hoseok said.


Nighttime comes around and Hoseok and Jimin are still cuddling and watching movies.

"Hey Jimin," Hoseok said, looking at the younger.


"What do you think of Jungkook?"

"I think he's super nice and humble. It's like his fame hasn't gone to his head. He's super humble, for being one of the biggest artists in the world. And I can't wait to see what he has planned for us and the others who get the number."

"Alright," Hoseok said.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"I was just wondering. But I agree to you. Hopefully the fame doesn't go to his head. There are a lot of other artists that aren't half as big as him and aren't humble about anything. He is really nice though," Hoseok said.

They finished up the movie they were watching, before Hoseok decided to get up and get ready for bed.

Hoseok got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. He turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. After the water was heated up, he got in and started washing himself up.

He got out of the shower, after spending longer than he needed to in it, and got dressed in a pair of pajamas.

He walked into his bedroom and laid down in bed, covering himself up with his blanket.

He turned on his phone and scrolled through his social media. He looked at his favorite Jungkook fan account, run by someone nobody knew. All everyone knew is, the account was run by a fanboy.

This account had hundreds of thousands of followers. The account was coming up on 1 million and would probably reach it very soon.

Hoseok finished scrolling through a few more things, before plugging his phone in. He rolled over and went to sleep, thinking about what the other's who get the phone number could be like. 


Hello everyone, so I think this is going to be the last chapter focusing on Jimin and Hoseok for a while. The next few chapter will be Jungkook again, then it will go to the next person who will get the number.

Anyone got any guesses for who the next person to get the number will be?


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