•|• Chapter Three

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Warning: Mention of a panic attack towards the end. It's not much, it literally only says panic attack, nothing beyond that. No description or anything, just a slight mention of it.


Slowly they all started to show up greeting Jungkook and each other as they arrived. Yugyeom and BamBam arrived first after Jungkook. Jungkook welcomed them both as they both sat down in the chairs next to Jungkook. Jaehyun arrived a few seconds after them, taking a seat across from Jungkook. Eunwoo eventually arrived sitting down next to Jaehyung across from Yugyeom. And finally, Mingyu, Dokyeom, and Minghao arrive last. Dokyeom took a seat across from BamBam, while Mingyu and Minghao sat at the two ends of the table.

"So Jungkook-ah, how's the album?" Yugyeom asked.

"It's good. I finished everything about a week ago. It gets released in about four days. And we actually have a little surprise in some of the albums."

"What did you do now?" Mingyu asked.

"A phone number was placed into them. If you got the number you text it, I will text back and then they will be included in the project my company and I came up with," Jungkook explained.

"That's cool," Eunwoo said, a smile forming on his face.

"Yeah," Jungkook sighed remembering Huening Kai wondering what is wrong with him.

Jungkook couldn't really think of a reason as to why he wouldn't be okay. But then again he is quite young and probably has a lot of stress in his life. Really anything could be going on with him. Maybe he just wanted to spend time with Jungkook and nothing was wrong. Was Jungkook reading into this too much?

"What's wrong, Jungkookie?" Yugyeom asked, noticing his friend had spaced out for a few seconds.

"It's TxT. Their maknae was acting weird when I went to see them before meeting you guys. Then on the way here, he called me wondering if he could come to my place tonight. I can't help but think something is wrong," Jungkook said.

"Don't worry yourself, Kook-ah. Maybe it's nothing," Dokyeom said.

"Maybe," Jungkook tried to agree.

"Anyway, how was your photoshoot," Jungkook asked Seventeen's members.

"Good, it was so boring though. They had to retake some of the pictures so many times. I swear they just take more pictures to have them there. They don't even use half of them," Minghao said.

"They do take too many pictures. Like what do they even use half of them for?" Jaehyun agreed.

All of them laughed about it and kept talking even when their food arrived. After their lunch, they all took photos to post on their accounts informing fans of their hangout. All their fans love to know that they hang out with other idols, not just ones from their groups. Or in Jungkook's case with nobody.

"It was nice hanging out like this," Jungkook smiled.

"I know, we really need to make this a weekly thing," Mingyu agreed.

"If only our schedules didn't clash all the time," BamBam sighed, knowing that it was quite rare for them all to hang out like this. Normally they would only meet up with a few of them together since their schedules never fell in like together. Not to mention half of them were always out of the country. Especially Jungkook.

"Alright we have to go talk to you guys later," Dokyeom indicated to his two other bandmates.

The three of them said their last goodbyes before heading off.

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