Ch.2 Deadly Life Part 1: Of Box Jumps, Box Books, and Out-of-the-Box Thinking

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[A/N] This is the second time I have to preface a part of this book with, "I'm sorry if this really inappropriate timing." I'm really just trying to help give people (myself included) a bit of normalcy. So... I hope you enjoy.


I didn't realize how badly it would actually sting for Keiji to die. We weren't even friends. Maybe we could've been, in another life. But we weren't in this one. I don't think too many of the others particularly care past the "Holy shit, someone who's spent the last, like, month and a half with us is now a corpse." To me, though, it heralds something. Last time, he was the one to tell us to buck up and investigate, fight, claw the way to victory. Now, with him gone, it feels like there's no going back. For any of us.

"Hello, hello, my lovelies! I see that one of you isn't looking so lovely anymore! Or lively, for that matter! As such, I'm here to present you with my second edition of The Monokuma File! Yahooooo!"

I take a quick once-over at it.

"The victim is Keiji Seikiguchi. He was discovered in the first floor hallway and died in the infirmary. Estimated time of death is around 1 pm. The cause of death is suffocation due to a toxic substance."


Everyone starts murmuring, but I'm at least satisfied to hear that nobody suspects that it's our robot overlords this time. That means everyone is more willing to seek out the truth this time, even if it winds up being painful.

"Okay, guys, let's do this like we did last time. Split up," I take the lead.

"Joanie, I believe it would be wise if you and I examine his bedroom," Azumi urges.

The director pauses. "I— Yeah, I want to, but I feel like I should keep an eye on him, in case anyone tries anything. He wasn't... particularly favored."

Wakumi slaps her hard on the back. "Aye, lassie, leave 'im ta me. If anyone gets near 'im, I'll blow the man down."

"Are you serious? But you didn't like him either," Joanie asks, surprised at the offer.

"Nah, course I didn't. But ye oughta go search for hidden booty... and clues and whatnot. Now go before I change me mind," she dismisses, snapping her eye patch.

"Don't actually kill anyone, please," Azumi insists gently.

"May I join you two?" Sayuri asks.

"Sure. The more the merrier, I guess. Thanks, Wakumi."

I watch as the groups separate out: Tozen snags Bisque and they let Yuu join them, and then, before I can ask Monterio to be the other guard, he guides Kana off somewhere, with Ren following to keep an eye on them. That leaves Fujiko, Chimon, and me, and of course I'm by far the physically strongest, so I guess I'm guard again. Chimon shrugs and waves Fujiko over, and they head who knows where.

So I settle next to Wakumi, sighing. She idly twists one of her braids, pushing it up against her top lip like a mustache. By puckering her lips, she makes it stay there without having to hold it. "Aye, what're ye starin' at? The job's borin'!" she complains, slamming her foot onto the counter that we're sitting on. Her braid falls back down to the side of her head. "Laddie, you're real bad at keepin' a pokerface. Me ol' salt could run all kinds o' rigs on ye with yer emotions that close ta the surface."

"I've been told." I try to smile at her, but I can feel that it's coming out as a grimace.

"Not that I care... much... but ye may as well air out yer grievances," she yawns.

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