Ch. 1 Deadly Life Part 2: Of Lists, Layers, and Lectures

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Searching the bedroom of a dead girl is less than stellar. In fact, it's rather creepy. It feels like we're disturbing something sacred, like Hachi's ghost is breathing on us. I really would've preferred to do something else, but this is one of the most important jobs, and I won't be caught dead slacking. Shit, I guess using that phrase now is kind of insensitive. Or like, tempting fate.

I'm with Azumi and Yuu solely because they also wanted this job. I wanted to go alibi fishing first, but they vetoed me, so we're here. It's kind of weird; we knew Hachi so little, now that I think about it, and it feels like I'm learning more from her room than I heard the whole time we've been here.

For example, this girl was a mild hoarder. It's not excessive, but anywhere you look, there are random little gew-gaws and objects. Some have use, but others I couldn't even begin to fathom. She seems to have been trying to make a tower out of stuffed animals on the bed (how did she sleep?!), the desk has like twenty notebooks, there are various cartoon posters plastered haphazardly on the wall, and flower paraphernalia is EVERYWHERE.

"Well, there's some serious dedication, at the very least," Yuu comments, "I don't think I see a single pair of shoes that don't have fake flowers or a flower pattern on them."

"She seems to have been a writer. Almost none of the contents of these notebooks have anything to do with her academics. Some of it appears to be an attempt at a serious novel, a portion of it is fanfiction, and then there's a few journals," Azumi mentions from the desk.

"Let me guess. Hanahaki?" I snark.

She gives a weak smile in return. "Quite a bit. Not all of it, though."

I rifle through her nightstand. The top drawer has cheap but somehow still tasteful jewelry. The second has stuff that's even more interesting. It's full of scraps of paper, lists and reminders to herself. Give Keiji that book. Well, that's reasonable. The light fixtures remind me of my spy dream. Okay? I don't know what that means? People keep stopping me from climbing that willow tree. I grimace at that one; she got to now.

And then I find a folded one. I open it up and it feels like my heart is in my throat; right here is a list of some of the last people she was possibly alone with, some of the people who could've had an opportunity to kill her.

"What's that?" Yuu asks, suddenly behind me. I jump a little, brushing my hair in front of my ears.

"Fuck, you scared me! Is that what it's like when I do that? Anyway, this is a list of things Hachi thought she'd need for her witch costume, and who she thought she'd get them from."

"What?! You must not leave us in the dark! Read it!" Azumi exclaims.

"Traffic cone to make a hat? Ask Gou.
Table Cloth Cloak from Tozen.
Armor ring? Maybe Nari has one.
My own necklace charm could be a cape clip.
Spooky, Witchy Dress? Ask some of the girlier girls— Fujiko, Sayuri, Kana," I recite.

"Did she come to you requesting an armor ring?" she asks, quick on the uptake.

"Yes," I admit, "a few days ago. I had one, so I loaned it to her. Ren can back me up on that, cause he was there."


"Shouldn't we go get alibis now? The people on that list are instantly a little more suspicious," Yuu points out.

"Wait, wait. Might I have a moment before we depart? I think I've noticed something a bit peculiar in this journal," Azumi informs us, eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Sure, we can wait a minute," I nod.

She flips through several pages, each one only for a few seconds, if that. "No, this is definitely off. I cannot be certain that this is related to the case at hand, but I still believe it's important information."

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