Ch. 2 Daily Life Part 4: Of Boisterousness, Boys' Nights, and Burning

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I simultaneously love me life and hate me life. Cause blimey, this is a fuckin' riot, but I can't take full advantage o' it. Joanie (Ginny, as I'll always call 'er) ain't allowed ta stop acting like 'er Aika character, like she's straight outta an anime. And it freaking makes me day!!! Unfortunately, me own code blocks me from havin' as much fun with this as I want. "Insult Anyone."

But what I can do is laugh and hoot and holler at 'er! "Aye, lassie, sing yer shanty!"

"You mean my theme song? Um, yes! I, Heavenly Blessing-Granter Aika, will sing the hymn of victory and love!" she quickly accepts. She pauses for a bit, trying to maintain 'er relentless grin. Sink me! Does she not have a shanty cause she ain't a real anime character?! And then she comes out with right about the best improvised song I e'er heard! Full o' gusto, joy, and pretty lyrics, she even manages ta pull off a dance! Granted, she's not the greatest singer to grace me ears, but she ain't making 'em bleed by any means! I applaud 'er gall and quick wit, but o' course, that doesn't mean I don't laugh me ass off. 'Er eyes twitch a bit, but she doesn't drop the act. "What was yer life like, Aika? What led ta ya becoming a hero?"

"Well, I was once the spirit of a woman in a wishing well, bestowing righteous blessings upon pure-hearted dreamers. But the city I reside in was crumbling and in disrepair due to decades of supervillain attacks and governmental corruption. So a sweet, young little boy wished to me that I'd become a hero and save the city. He even went through a complicated ritual to unbind my soul from the well. I became the embodiment of heavenly wishes given form, and I have come to cleanse the peoples!"

"Ah, Ginny, I can see why people want ye ta keep playin' this character. She's got real charm and 'er lore is top-notch!"

"Who's Ginny? I'm Aika," she emphasizes. But she takes me hand real briefly and squidges it, as though offering thanks. I pull away as soon as I get the message, but I nod. I lightly snap me eyepatch. "What about you? What led to you becoming a pirate?"

"Aye, yer gettin' a bit personal there. But I guess I can give ye a small scrap. Me family's full o' pirates. Me big bro is me ol' salt, and the capp'n. That's right. I'm not the capp'n o' me ship, I'm the first mate!"

"Wow! So you're like the little boy! The one who makes all things the captain does work out smoothly! I really do owe him," she reminisces. But it makes me wonder if the lass is okay in the head, cause she's gettin' all nostalgic for things that ne'er happened. And I don't like how feely she's gettin'.

"Aye. Wanna scuffle?"

"Whatever do you mean?"

"C'mon, fight me, lassie. Show me what yer powers are good for!"

"I don't want to injure you! I can sense that you are not dark of heart, though you may be a bit gruff!"

"Then I'll start! Ye best be givin' me a worthy scrap!" I lunge at her, not at me full capabilities, cause I dunno where 'er skill level's at. She gasps and struggles 'fore finally bitin' back a bit. She uses 'er staff and starts ta smack me with it and chant weird things and it's all way too funny ta me. I even start ta get a bit more darin', cause she's surprisingly good. At one point, she whacks me in the back so strong that I can't help but bellow aloud.

"Wakumi! I told you not to spring into a fight like this, you idiot! I didn't mean to actually hurt you! Are you okay?" she asks suddenly, clambering to her feet ta tend ta me. 'Er expression suddenly changes dramatically. "Ah, shit. Oh well. Sweet motherfucking freedom." She pulls her glove down slightly and chucks the detached bracelet ta the floor.

"What d'ye mean, 'idiot?!' I'm not an idiot, ye're just a—!" I cut meself off. "Ye're just me rival."

"Good catch."

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