Ch.5 Daily Life Part 9: Of Bathrooms, Bronzer, and Boulders

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"FIX IT." He slams the door on us, leaning against it.

We sit there silently for a few minutes, just two guys forced into the men's bathroom to get along. Tozen gives me a glance. "I'm pretty sure I'm a little stronger than Yuu. Both of us combined could easily push him aside and get out of here."

"Hi, I don't know what's happening, but I was told to block the door until you guys are ready!" Gou calls out.

"We're ready!" I yell immediately.

"No, they're not," Yuu contradicts.

"Shit," Tozen mutters under his breath.

I groan and head to the sink. I splash my face with cold water, and it sends a mild shock through my system. Droplets slide down to my neck and I don't bother drying off. I lean up against the wall and sink to the ground, groaning for a second time. I pull myself into a ball.

He sits at the opposite wall and we stare at each other from about ten feet apart. "It's strange... I never thought I could wind up missing someone I live with," he sighs, not making eye contact.

I knock at the wall. "Could you at least bring me my acoustic guitar? It's comforting."

"...I gotcha," Yuu agrees after a moment. A few minutes later, he opens the door just wide enough to slip it inside gently.

I take it into my arms and cradle it a bit, idly plucking at strings. I stare down at the city nightscape painted on it. "I miss you, too." He does the sensible thing, which is to not ask me what the problem is, then. Instead, he pulls a candy bar out of his pocket. "Hmm? I thought you only eat two desserts a week. Isn't that your rule?"

"Can you really blame me?" He gives a shaky smile. "I have another, for sharing. Here." He slides a sealed one across the floor. It doesn't get quite far enough, so I have to inch over to grab it and then head back to the wall.

"Just be careful, dude. I know you worry about your willpower, so your good habits are important." I open the bar and take a bite; sweetness dances along my tongue.

"I'm fine."

"Would you please just stop lying to me?" I scold. "Lying is what got us into this mess."

He sighs. "I'm not fine. But what else is new?"

I snicker. "True. I'm also not fine."

"I wanted to give you space, like you asked for. You're still not doubting what you told me when we talked about it? Y'know, the morning after the quiz?"

"Jesus fucking Christ. No, I'm not doubting it. You haven't 'lost' me or some contrived crap like that. I promised we're still tight, so we're still tight."

"Are you still... angry?"

"A little." I take a breath and start strumming. It's got no words, it's just a fray of chords that start off warm and airy and slowly descend into spiteful, quick eighth notes without much as a pause. "Ugh. The acoustic makes me feel safe but maybe I should've asked for the electric." I keep going, and the bitterness transforms into a melody that's just as fast but more frantic and confused than genuinely mad. I tear my eyes off the guitar to stare at him, still playing. He blinks and then shovels the last half off his candy bar into his mouth. "Stop," I blurt out, "How many desserts HAVE you had this week, anyway?"

"Please don't."

"Toz, I know you're scared, but I'm trying to HELP you!" I snap.

"I know! I know, I know. I'm trying to let myself be helped, but I don't—"

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