Ch.4 Deadly Life Part 3: Of Diaries, Dead-Ends, and Dry Firing

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As terrible as this whole situation is, it means I won't have to think about feelings for a while. My mind can be clear. I can focus on the task at hand.

"Perhaps we should discuss the conversations we heard through the audio tapes..." WELP. "If someone has a motive to kill Kana and Monterio, it will be impossible for them to lie. Someone will know if they haven't had the conversation that a suspect claims they've heard," Azumi explains.

She has a point... fortunately, I planned for this. I confided in Gou and Kana, two unrelated parties (one of whom claimed she owed me, though, for what, I'm unsure). They helped me to invent a new conversation that I could use in place of the Azumi-Ren conversation.

She, having offered up the idea, starts. "I used it twice. The first was a conversation between Chimon and Tozen. Chimon was wondering if Tozen knew why I object so thoroughly to getting hypnotized. Tozen did his best to explain without divulging too much of my privacy. The second conversation was between Ren and the dancers. This was right after the third trial, whilst they were making the playlist for our party. They were musing about how Bisque and I had grown rather close quite quickly, and they were sharing their desire to express their condolences without appearing as they were pitying me. Any objections?" She displays her hands so that we can see that she only has two bandages. Since I can verify the first conversation is real, I look to Ren. He shakes his head. No objections. "Good."

He then pipes up. "I guess I'm next, then. I also used it twice. The first was between Tozen and Azumi. They were talking about my acoustic guitar, and how it's sort of like a comfort object for me. It helps me feel safe. The second one was between Yuu and Gou, but I'm ninety percent sure they wanted me to hear it. They were just joking about how much of a troublemaker I can be. By the way, GOU, I did NOT lick your hand when you were trying to muffle my laughter that one time!" he answers with an edge of defiance to his tone. All three of them laugh mischievously. So it clearly occurred.

Chimon, being the next in line, tilts his hat. "My turn. I used it three times. The first was between Gou and Kana. Kana was expressing that she used to mistrust me, but Monterio told her to believe in him, so she let us become friends. She even joked that maybe I reminded her of her siblings too much. The second was between Wakumi and Gou, regarding an incident where they almost accidentally locked me in the meat freezer because they didn't notice I was in there. Yes, it was as chaotic as it sounded. The last was between Monterio and Fujiko. They were talking about a secret that I'd shared with them both, and about how we were making the origami cranes."

Now it comes to me. "I used it twice. The first, between Yuu and Ren, was about how I was overworking myself and how Yuu had managed to convince me to take a nap. The second was between Gou and Kana," I lie, heart pounding, "in which Kana managed to hone in on a particular insecurity I have and began ranting to Gou, vigorously refuting it. He agreed." I wouldn't have noticed the subtle shift in body language from Ren and Azumi, but I do. Ren's is completely in relief. Azumi's is, too, but, knowing about said insecurity, also has a hint of sympathy.

"Used it once," Wakumi grunts, showing off her hands before pounding a fist on the table. " 'Tween Gou n' Azumi. I thought I'd told 'im ta keep it confidential, but apparently, I didn't. So the wench asked a question n' he answered. They know exactly what conversation I mean, so I ain't gonna delve any further inta it." This is probably regarding whatever she did to Bisque's pottery. An awkward silence fills the room for a moment.

And then Gou breaks it, noticing that he's up now. "I also used it once. It was Wakumi talking about my cheeriness while Monterio just listened. Riddled with insults, of course, but also a couple of backhanded compliments, so it was better than I thought." The awkward silence grows even more tense, despite how he tries to laugh it off. Yuu also tries to help laugh, but, seeing that nobody else is finding it funny, quickly cuts himself off in embarrassment.

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