Ch.5 Daily Life Part 1:Of Oaths, Overboard, and Opportunities

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There's a tenseness in the air. Previously, after these trials, we were all flooded with relief— grief, too, of course, but relief nonetheless that we did not all die by Monokuma's hands. This time, though, said catharsis does not wash over us. Yuu is covering his ears and shutting his eyes as he walks. Fujiko and Chimon are staring at him with some strange mixture of scorn and vigilance. Gou keeps trying to talk to Wakumi, but it seems as though she couldn't care less, and it's clearly ruffling his feathers. Tozen holds Ren and me by the arm, as if to protect us from the overwhelming aura of Kana's Blackened. But I do not feel as though I need protection. More than anything, I feel as though he needs protection from himself. "Everyone," I hear myself say, though I wasn't planning on saying anything. "I know that we are most likely very weary, and perhaps a bit tired of having to be in each other's presence, but I propose we hold a meeting. And by propose, I mean insist."

"You're right. There need to be serious discussions ASAP," Gou confirms. "Let's do this in the dining hall."

"Yes, please. I'll make a late lunch. Or, um, early dinner. I'll do what I did for Joanie a long time ago: baked salmon glazed with peach jam and topped with mozzarella on a bed of whole-wheat pasta. I'll probably make the mozzarella vegan this time, though. Maybe," Tozen rambles.

"Please assure that you attend to your needs, as well," I remind him.

"Yeah. You deserve just as much care as you always give to us. Are you a fruit? Cause honeydew you even understand how grateful we are for you?" Ren chimes in, winking. It's obvious to me that he's trying to stay cheerful to compensate for the rest of us.

"Got it. I won't neglect myself, I swear," he confirms absently, releasing us and rushing off to the kitchen. Ren, apparently in a touchy-feely mood, merely grabs my arm himself as replacement.

As Tozen gets busy, the rest of us sit at the table, changing seats for the sake of convenience; we are down to half of the amount we were originally, so it was getting a bit difficult conversing with the group massively spread out. I sacrifice the chance for Tozen to sit next to me so that Yuu would have a place. The last thing he needs right now is to be shunned.

Ren seems torn about this; he appears touched by my gesture, yet uncomfortable with the fact that Yuu is now directly across from him. Well, he is resilient. He can deal with it.

On Yuu and Ren's other sides are Chimon and Fujiko respectively. I'm surprised they want anything to do with him, but Chimon did vow to keep Yuu alive solely to fulfill Monterio's wishes. Next to Fujiko is Gou, and next to Chimon is Wakumi.

"Alright... there needs to be change. We have floundered about for too long, and it has cost far too many lives. I am able and willing to swear on my home and my family that I will never commit a murder, but I am well aware that words are not enough anymore. We must be willing to monitor each other and submit to being monitored for as long as the need exists," I begin.

"I agree. Monokuma says that we're required to sleep in the dorms, but he never said we had to sleep in our OWN dorms. At the very least, someone needs to be watching Yuu at all times, but I'd say it'd be good for us to sleep in the same dorm and take turns keeping watch," Gou adds.

"Eight people in a room meant for one?" Fujiko questions.

"The more witnesses, the safer we'll all be, right? Trust me, I'm down to have everyone's eyes on me. If anyone wants to cuddle up close while we're sleeping, I could never deny an earnest request," Ren plays.

"Agh. But I don't like any o' ye. I'll prolly keelhaul ye 'fore I play nicey-nice n' have nightly slumber parties."

"You can sleep under the bed pretending we don't exist. And if you need to blow off some steam, we can tussle! As long as our fighting is quiet," Gou smiles angelically.

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