Ch.2 Daily Life Part 5: Of Worms, Winners, and Waits

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"Ah, it's so fun playing with a redhead. I can experiment with all sorts of makeup looks that I don't necessarily get to try super often," Fujiko swoons as she examines a blue eyeliner pencil and a capsule of brown mascara.

This woman. This woman is my freaking savior. I don't know how I could've survived so long— two weeks, at least, at this point— without her. Because without that other person, that one who, y'know, is so important to me that he literally changed the course of my life forever, I don't really have a whole lot of social connections. I kinda threw most of them away when I made the choice to be a better person.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?! Sweetie, you're crying!" Fujiko points out. I am?! I guess I kind of am. The tears aren't rolling down my face or anything, but they're present enough for it to get in her way.

"Lonely. It's not your fault or anything! Just like..."

"Yeah, of course! It makes sense you would miss what's rightfully yours," she nods, cheeks pinkening.

"Tell me a story, Fujiko. About you, I mean."

"Oh! Um, totally, totally! Just gimme a sec to think about a good one!" she giggles nervously. She twiddles her thumbs, clicking her tongue softly. "Welllll, there was this one girl in my school... she was a year older than me, but she was seriously one of my favorite people ever. Her name was Mayumi. And one time, she had the bright idea that we should set up little gift baskets for every girl in school who wound up not getting any presents on White Day! My family has never been super hard-pressed for money... we're not super rich of anything like that, but saving up for a while was all I needed to help pay my portion. Fortunately, it was a private school, so there weren't TOO too many people to cover. Everyone looked so happy! It was like... the people who expected to be feeling down on themselves that day wound up smiling!"

I suddenly recall a memory that I had been trying to forget of me making fun of a girl who didn't get anything. "Another story," I ask quickly, trying to wave it away.

"O-Okie dokie. Um, one summer, pretty much as soon as school started, my friends and I all bought literal bucketfuls of water balloons and dragged them all the way to the front entrance. We started a giant water balloon brawl that got practically the whole school invested! We got in a little bit of trouble, but I think some of the cooler teachers vouched for us. Gosh, it was so fun!" she exclaims, beaming.

Another intrusive memory of my group dumping water balloons off the balcony to hit passerbys resurfaces. I sigh. "Fujiko, you're everything I wish I had been."

She blushes a strawberry pink. "Wh-What?! But you're already so perfect as you! Why would you wanna be me instead?"

"I'm a good person now, but I was such a mythic bitch in middle school. Until that person came along. And that's why I'm here. Cause I chose them over that toxic-as-hell group of so-called 'friends'. It was absolutely the right choice, and I'd make it over and over again, but it can be isolating knowing that I pretty much only have a few people who I can really count on. Now you. You were good and kind and loving all along, and because of it, you have a lot of dependable people in your life," I explain.

"...I know that words are just words, but if it means anything to you, you can always count on me!" she smiles sweetly, lightly scratching at the carpet with her finger.

"Thanks, Fujiko. It means a lot," I nod, swiping away more tears. "I feel so lost right now. Like... y'know those dumb little cartoonish worms?"

"YES. Those little green wrigglers that are always shown inside an apple?! I've always hated those guys, they're so creepy!"

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