Ch.5 Deadly Life Part 3: Of Fracases, Flight, and Flashforwards

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"First thing's first!" I take charge. "So, the three people we know of who saw the body were Ren, Azumi, and Yuu. Did all three of you see him at the same time, or was there a definitive last person to find the body? As always, we can knock the person who caused the BDA off the suspect list."

Yuu sheepishly raises his hand. "I saw it last."

"I can confirm that," Ren agrees. I look around and notice Chimon giving a brief smile of satisfaction. I find that kind of weird, in a good way. I would've thought that he'd have a way harder time expressing any joy around him. But since Monterio used his life to keep Yuu alive, it seems Chimon's committed to the same cause.

"Alright. So it's impossible for Yuu to be the killer. That means we can probably trust that any information he gives us is true. With that addressed, I did have a question."

"What's up?" Fujiko asks.

"So, you heard sounds coming from the Warehouse yesterday, right?"

"Mhm! It was a crash and then some chain noises!"

"Here's my question. If Fujiko was able to hear noises from the Warehouse last night, and the Monokuma File says Tozen was killed at roughly 1:30 today, then how did none of us hear anything?"

"Well, if we were all in our rooms, which are soundproof, we wouldn't be able to hear anything. I've been alone shoemaking most of the day," Yuu points out.

"We weren't all in our rooms, though! I was at the beautician's!" She says it enthusiastically, as though it's a big breakthrough.

"Blimey, wench, ye're e'en more o' an addlepate than I thought. Ye still wouldn't be able ta hear anything. Bein' on floor three means ye almost certainly couldn't hear anything happenin' in the basement floor. Savvy?" Wakumi's tone is mocking, harsh, and it makes Fujiko flinch.

"Wakumi, shut the fuck up," I respond automatically.

"AYE! ZIP IT, YE LILY-LIVERED BASTARD!" she shouts in retaliation, cracking her knuckles.

"We don't have time for this!" I shout.

"Cease your bickering!" Azumi denounces us. "We will work together to solve this case, and I will not allow childish quarrels to divide us or lead us astray." The force behind her words takes me aback.

"Um, but like, surely someone was around, right?" Fujiko continues, trying to move past what just happened.

"I was in the game room. That's not too far from the Warehouse," Chimon clarifies.

"And you did not hear the slightest peep coming from there?" Azumi asks.

"Not one!"

"Okay! So the question becomes: how did the Blackened kill Tozen in the Warehouse so quietly?"

Wakumi grunts. "I don't really think this be a possibility, but ye know I gotta ask. No way in hell 'e was put on a gibbet-- er, hanged? 'Is neck was broken, like Keiji said all that time ago, n' 'is shoes were off. Just kinda planted the idea in me brain, n' whatnot. Our whole Crazy Ideas bullshit did us a lot o' good, so I just wanna get this outta the way."

"Hmm... M-Maybe that hook in the ceiling was put there for that reason?" Fujiko offers timidly.

"Well, it is certainly not suicide, regardless of the exact cause of death. In the event that he was hanged, someone must have certainly moved him. First off, of course, there is the matter of his cracked skull. Secondly, if he was hanged, how did he manage to wind up underneath the safety net?" Azumi rationalizes.

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