Ch.2 Daily Life Part 2: Of Celebrations, Cars, and Challenges

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"Hey, is anyone actually keeping track of the days? How long have we been imprisoned here?" Sayuri asks.

Tozen raises his hand with pride. "I bought a calendar from the store within the first few days!"

"Ah! That was wise. You really are quite a responsible soul. It's reassuring" Azumi compliments. We're all sitting down for breakfast this morning, but Azumi is using this time to practice her acrobatics a bit, so she's standing on the back of the chair (with one foot, may I add). Even though we all know she's okay, it's an incredibly strange sight.

He smiles back at her but covers it with his hand. "Thanks, Azumi."

"Argh, get yer thoughts in gear, laddie, we don't have all day. Not that it matters much ta me what day o' the year it is," Wakumi scolds lightly, picking at her teeth with a toothpick. I look down, nibbling at my zucchini bread.

"Right! Sorry. It's August 6th today."

Oh. Should I bother telling them? ...Meh, there's no harm, I guess. I put on the brightest, most chipper smile I can muster. "That means tomorrow's my birthday!" I exclaim. Everyone passes around their congratulations, some more excitedly than others. But Monterio... he drops his fork and his eyes bug out a little.

When the commotion dies down a bit, Kana pipes up. "Tozen, I'm sorry to say this, but you're not getting the kitchen tomorrow," she announces.


"Monterio over here is losing his mind about this! His leg's shaking and everything! He's the king of birthdays, when it matters." In response to this, he gives a slightly embarrassed chuckle.

"Oh, I see. Then, of course he can use it!"

Oh shit. I guess we're actually celebrating my birthday tomorrow. Wait, what did she mean, "when it matters"?

Haruto gasps. "Maybe I could try and make homemade birthday candles! Is there any beeswax around here?!"

Azumi nearly falls off the chair from the startle. "Bisque, dear, doesn't that sound a bit dangerous?"

"I know... rationally, I know the potential consequences, but I just really want to," he admits.

"Perhaps I should watch, or assist you, or anything of that regard? I don't want you to burn yourself."

He giggles. "Okay! Thank you! You're like... my second mom!"

"What?!" And then she ACTUALLY falls off the chair. She's fine, I swear.

The next morning, my doorbell rings pretty much as soon as the announcement goes off. I have no idea what the hell to expect out of today, if I'm being honest, so I slink out of bed and open the door, prepared for pretty much any possible outcome I can think of.

It's much simpler than I worried it might be. It's the man, the myth, the legend, the birthday king himself, Monterio, who I still cannot for the life of me figure out. "Happy 15th Birthday!" he greets in a temperate, gentle tone. Despite it, he's smiling wider than I've ever seen him smile.

"Aww! Thank you so much!" I reciprocate. Silently, he pushes a present into my hand. The wrapping paper is plain, but done pretty much pristinely, and it's tied with a twine bow. "Ooh! A new hoodie?" It's navy with light grey sleeves to match my hat.

"I hope you like it. There wasn't a whole lot in your size at the store, unfortunately.

"No, this is perfect," I insist, being fully sincere for once.

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