Ch.5 Daily Life Part 5: Of Unending, Unpredictable, and Unyielding Forces

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[A/N] Thank you for bearing with my on my hiatus, lovelies. I hit a REAL bad patch of motivation loss, but here it is. Hopefully it's less of an absolute mess than I feel like it is. Enjoy!


The Mastermind is feeding us scraps of information, I just know it, and it makes me feel so fucking itchy— er, violated. Team Danganronpa is apparently some sort of TV company who MADE a long line of killing games like this one, starting a couple of decades ago. But we have no freaking idea what the hell happened to them, cause the Mastermind tore out the last chapter— the one talking about the 53rd killing game— and the epilogue! We don't know where we are, we don't know why our families didn't mention this group in our letters, we don't even know if Team Danganronpa really IS responsible for this! And then there's the other question: Who— or what— is WDR?

And... I'm scared. I'm scared because I know this isn't the end. For the Mastermind to string us along and spoon-feed us this much only to yank it away means that obviously, there's so much more to the puzzle here. I'm not smart enough to figure any of this stuff out! Some of the smarter ones left are trying to read about one killing game per day and talking about them, trying to pinpoint patterns, but honestly, I feel like I oughta stop them...

Nobody should have to read about that much murder and pain and suffering! Just one killing game is way more than I ever bargained for! And I know that whenever anyone gives in to their personal problems, someone has wound up dead, so my goal is to keep everyone from falling apart on me!

They're already slipping a bit, I can tell. Tozen's headed toward another stint of overworking, based on how many things he's cooked up today and the fact that he asked if I wanted my bedroom floor cleaned. Azumi's been meditating even more than usual, and she's a tad quieter at meals now.

Chimon's cried a lot. A few of us told him not to try reading these, but, as a hypnotherapist, he really is the one most knowledgeable about psychology and stuff like that. Even so, getting his empathy back right in the middle of this situation means he's grappling with a lot of pain he probably isn't used to feeling. It's kind of funny. He cried a lot back when he was faking, too, but those... he made a show of those, in a way. Now, he keeps slinking off to a private place to do it, and I keep having to go look for him.

This creeping, kind of scary thought starts to worm its way into my head. "M-Monokuma?" I call out softly. I twiddle my thumbs as I wait for him to appear. There's a tap on the back of my shoulder, and I squeal. The demented stuffed animal's stretched his legs so that he's my height, and that's REAL uncomfy. There's also a stray Monoinu with him.


"Um, uh, so, like, destruction of property isn't against the rules, right? Just, like, the cameras and stuff?"

"That's correct!"

"So, hypote— hypothetically speaking, I could cut out pages of that Team Danganronpa book and you wouldn't kill me, right?"

"Oh, dear, dear, dear me. Look at you, getting all devious!" He does a creepy little shoulder-wiggle.

"Such wanton devastation!" the Monoinu cries out in alarm at my suggestion.

"Sh-Shut it! I'd be doing it to keep everyone from losing their heads!" I lean in closer, probably failing to be a bit intimidating but attempting it nonetheless.

"Ah, you preach so much about trusting them and just KNOWING that you'll get out of here, but even you, a shiny beacon of hope, have an inkling of fear down in your pretty little heart," he coos, as though finding it adorable.

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