Ch.4 Deadly Life Part 1: Of Straws, Snipes, and Surprises

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Ch.4 Deadly Life Part 1: Of Straws, Snipes, and Surprises


They're gone... they're both gone all at once. I'm trying my hardest to inherit Kana's boldness. I need to step up and try to be a real leader like she was. And it seems like Chimon's entire sense of identity's been flipped completely upside-down, so I want to take care of him for Monterio's sake, too. He was always so protective. But it's hard. I've never been a very strong person, especially not on my own. I'm not smart like he was. If I was still the same girl I was before I got here, I'd tell myself I'm only really good for looking pretty and encouraging people who know better. But that's not enough for me anymore! I need to take action!

"Wow! Two down? You guys really are getting better at killing! I'm impressed!" Monokuma announces from below us.

"I'm not buying anything you're selling! Just give us the stupid file and get out!" I command, trying to muster all of the classic Omori swagger that I can.

"Hehe! I'm surprised you all still have it in you to talk to me that way! It's almost charming!"

"Something feels wrong," Gou murmurs.

"Right? Like he's finally dropping the friendship facade," Tozen agrees.

"What? Wha-Wha-What? There are no facades going on here! You really are my beloved chickadees! Just chickadees that I've gotta keep in line! Anyway, here's the wonderful Monokuma file!" He stretches his arms way beyond what he should be able to in order to hand them to us.

It's at this point that I silently start to think of Monoinu. Obviously, we've seen a ton of them... him? Still never got the hang of the that plurality thing. But it's been a loooong time since I've seen the one who likes us. He's probably had to start going more undercover, considering the microphones. I guess we won't be getting much help from him this time around. I kinda miss the sweet pupper! The other members of the hive mind are so cold and they're only ever nice to us when they want scritches.

"U-Um, can you read the file for me, Chimon?" I whisper to him. We're still huddled pretty close together, so he holds his copy in front of the both of us.

"The victims are Monterio Mukai and Kana Omori. They were discovered in the playground. Evidence indicates that they did not die too far apart time-wise; they both died sometime between 9-10 am. Cause of death is a fatal wound to the chest," he reads softly, voice wavering.


"Okay... we oughta get investigating now," Gou announces.

"Waitwaitwait. Before we go off gallivanting around as usual... I have a concern," Yuu interrupts.

"Ye ALWAYS have a concern," Wakumi grunts, stomping on his foot.

"GAH! Holy shit, that hurts really freaking bad!"

"Were you the type of soccer player to flop?" Gou teases.

Yuu grimaces. "It's not flopping if you're actually in major pain."

"Can we just get back to what we're supposed to be doing? What's up, Yuu?" Tozen redirects.

"There are two victims. If there happens to be two killers, or a killer and an accomplice, we can't let them investigate together. Since there are only eight of us, any pair will only be able to monitor each other, so we need to make sure there's someone innocent in every pair," he elaborates.

"Ah. That is a wise concern. I hold your prudence in high regard," Azumi compliments, though she's slightly trembling from all of the stress of the situation.

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