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"To think that we were complete strangers back then

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"To think that we were complete strangers back then. But the universe was conspiring against us from the beginning itself. 300 billion stars in this world and yet I had the pleasure of meeting you my love, yet I had the pleasure of meeting you"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

-————"HURRY UP BEA, OR ELSE you'll miss the Train" Astra Black screamed at her younger sister Beatrice "Bea" Black. The tall skinny girl sprinted behind her sister, her heavy trunk staggering behind her, shaking violently and bumping into people who lightly cursed her under their breaths. "Sorry! Excuse me! Sorry!" muttered the light-grey-eyed witch as she made her way through the crowd, trying to keep up with her sister who raced faster than the Hogwarts Express itself.

Platform 9 3/4 was as always buzzing and bubbling with young witches and wizards along with their anxious parents. Admits all the chaos, Beatrice lost her sister in the crowd but she wasn't complaining. "There will be enough time for sister-dearest's obnoxiously rude jokes and stinging comments on the train," she thought to herself. The young girl made her way through the crowd and grabbed onto one of the rusty black handles of the train. She quickly climbed onto the train just in the nick of time as the elegant train started screeching and puffing out clouds of smoke.

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

All the other compartments were full so the first-timer had no choice but to join her sister and a bunch of Slytherins in a rather airtight compartment.

"Hello sister," said Astra coldly, scooting over and gesturing her sister to sit beside her.

"Hello" replied Beatrice, with an equal amount of ice in her voice.

  " Who are you? How come I've never seen you before? Are you a First year? Well you are jolly too large for that now aren't you" said a demanding arrogant voice. Beatrice peered above her left shoulder to see a boy with platinum golden hair and a pompous smirk. She instantly knew who he was. A Malfoy, more particularly Draco Malfoy.

" I'm Beatrice Black and this is my first year at Hogwarts but I shall be joining the fourth years" she explained, eager to create a good first impression.

" I'm Draco Malfoy, and these are well your sister, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Marcus Flint, and Daphne, Greengrass" he introduced them all. " I thought you couldn't switch schools mid-education," said Draco arching his eyebrow at the second part. Why was an exception being made for this particular girl?

"You see-" started Beatrice but she was interrupted by her sister who could never miss an opportunity to brag about her family's immense wealth, multiple connections, and elite status.

"Well you see mom pulled a few strings here and there and when Mrs. Black herself insisted that her daughter attend Hogwarts, the poor headmaster had no choice but to oblige" she beamed proudly as some of the younger Slytherins looked at her in awe.

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