0.09 | slytherin party

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"My darling, all i want is to be your moon and show you all the little stars of my heart"

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"My darling, all i want
is to be your moon and show you
all the little stars of my heart"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

--"OH THANK MERLIN you showed up" Harry said as he stood outside the Ravenclaw common room looking at Luna, who was wearing a short, golden dress and had left her silky blonde hair open. She looked absolutely stunning, but Harry was too concerned about being a second late to notice her.

"Why wouldn't I? The stars are aligned in favour of me going out tonight" replied Luna dreamily as she squeezed herself into Harry's invisible cloak and the two headed towards the Slytherin Common room, to find Beatrice waiting at the entrance for them.

Sneaking into a corner, Harry and Luna took off the cloak and he hid it behind a portrait. They then approached the entrance of the common room.

"Hello Harry, how nice of you to come. And I see you brought some company" Beatrice said the last part, rather quietly as she glanced towards Luna, the strands of her hair turning burning orange with jealousy. What was she jealous of? 'Perhaps Luna's dress' Beatrice decided.

"I hope you don't mind me" replied Luna to which Beatrice shook her head uncertainly and gestured the two inside.

Beatrice followed the two into the common room and it looked even more magnificent than usual if that was possible. The entire place was dimly lit by candles, music was blasting through the thin walls and the strong smell of fire-whiskey oozed through Luna's nose as she walked into the large crowd.

There were mainly Slytherins, however there was a group of Hufflepuffs and a few Ravenclaw around as well. Harry seemed to be the only Gryffindor and was sticking out like a sore thumb but people were too intoxicated and busy dancing wildly to notice him.

"I'm going to get a drink, I'll see you around Harry" said Luna calmly when she noticed the constant glares Beatrice and Harry were giving each other. Luna knew when she wasn't wanted and to be honest parties weren't really her scene so she was feeling a bit out of place already.

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

She reached towards the table to get a glass of pumpkin juice but someone with a platinum blonde ponytail already beat her to it.

"I'm sorry, did you want this?" offered Cassandra, and when she saw that the girl standing in front of her was none other than Luna, a smile spread across her face.

"No that's alright, if I was supposed to have it it would be with me" Luna gently declines as she poured herself another glass.

"You're Luna right, from divination?" asked Cassandra, starring at the girl in front of her. Luna looked absolutely breathe taking. Like a fire fairy, decided Cassandra.

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