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"We fall too fast and crash too hardlike shooting stars in a galaxy of broken hearts"

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"We fall too fast
and crash too hard
like shooting stars
in a galaxy
of broken hearts"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

--IT HAD BEEN a few weeks since Harry had stopped sitting with the Slytherins, but the constant sneers and jeers he got from the other houses hadn't died out yet. Harry was getting a bit sick of everyone trying to 'save him from himself and telling him that he was making the wrong choices. His friendship with Hermione and Ron was falling apart slightly as well, and he spent most of his free time hanging out with Beatrice or practising Quidditch.

The Winter Holidays had now approached, and most of them were staying at the Hogwarts since the Yuke Ball was to be held in exactly four days, and Harry still didn't have a date. He had tried to ask Beatrice on multiple occasions and she had prompted him a few times as well, but the words never seemed to come out. Each time he got even close to asking her, the words of the others would start echoing in his mind filling him with doubt once again.

It was becoming a toxic cycle for Harry now. Whenever he was about to ask her to the ball, something would stop him and he didn't know how to deal with it. Often the reactions of everyone when they found out a Slytherin was his date, would keep playing on his mind on repeat and Harry hated it. He hated that he was being so shallow, and judgemental and letting something as useless as houses and peer pressure keep him from asking but it was and there was nothing he could do about it.

A part of him agreed with what everyone had been saying. Maybe he was losing himself, maybe he was going insane. In the end, she was a Slytherin the house that all of Voldemort's followers seem to originate from, she hung out with the Malfoy twins, the family that he knew was evil and she was a 'Black' belonging to the very family that had disowned his godfather. And that part of him was stopping him from asking her to the ball.

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

"Guys the Yuke ball is literally in 6 days and none of us have dates" sighed Blaise looking completely disheartened as he glanced around the Slytherin Common Room. Cassandra and Beatrice were sharing the couch, Daphne was on the armchair opposite his, and Draco was seated next to her.

"Speak for yourself Blaise, I already have a date" smirked Draco as Daphne felt a bang to her chest. Of course, he has a date, he's Draco fucking Malfoy, Daphne scolded herself for feeling so miserable. It was expected, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

"Might I ask who is this unlucky witch brother?" Cassandra questioned as he glanced over at Pansy Parkinson who was sitting across the room, Pansy blushed uncontrollably and smiled at him.

"Pansy, obviously, who else would be daft enough to go with you" mused Cassandra, it was now Draco's turn to roll his eyes.

"if you insist 11 witches eagerly asked me" flexed Draco arrogantly, making Blaise scoff. Here, Draco had so many potential dates while he was still all alone.

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