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"We are stars wrapped in skin - the light you are looking for has always been within"

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"We are stars wrapped in skin -
the light you are looking for has always been within"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

--BEATRICE BLACK WOKE up on the stone-cold floor, hugging what she assumed to be a pillar. Exhausted she turned to the side to face the pillar but fluttered her eyes open to see a pair of green eyes watching her intently. Their noses nearly a few centimeters away, Beatrice could practically taste the tension in the air, and instantly turned her back to Harry.

"Merlin isn't this a bad case of deja vu" Beatrice mused as Harry smiled at her goofily.

"Morning to you too Miss Black," he said, as Beatrice rolled her eyes.

Harry had been there for her yesterday when she needed him the most and she was happy to have him back in her life, but only as a friend. For now.

"So Mr. Potter how long have you been awake?" Beatrice asked, a small smile on her lips but her eyes were still dull with grief, as she finally sat up and turned to face the boy.

"For an hour now" Harry admitted as Beatrice gave him a questioning look.

"What have you been doing for an hour," Beatrice said, as Harry looked down slightly.

"Nothing" he replied timidly.

"So you've been staring at me sleeping for an hour, that's not stalkerish at all" Beatrice retorted as Harry shrugged.

"When you say it like that it sounds creepy" he countered.

"Oh sweet Merlin, however, I say it, it's still creepy" Beatrice corrected him.

"I just didn't want to wake you up," Harry said truthfully and Beatrice couldn't help but blush slightly. After a few seconds, she returned to reality.

"Alright then, I'm going to go before the students start coming in and assume the worst of us," Beatrice said dismissively, as she took one last look at the sky in remembrance of her mother and headed towards the staircase.

"Would that be such a bad idea?" Harry questioned Beatrice, an eyebrow raised suggestively.

"Yes, it would" Beatrice replied almost too instantly.

But before leaving, she turned around once more and added the words, "Also Potter about yesterday maybe you're not that late after all. Give me some space but after a week or so maybe we could hang out, no dates, no labels, nothing. Just figure out whatever this is"  as Harry nodded his head eagerly.

Last night, he thought that she had completely closed the door on them, but now Harry knew a tiny inch of the window was still open and Harry would do whatever needed to get inside.

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