0.10 | autumn dreams

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"We have the same kind of stardust in our souls"

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"We have the same kind of stardust in our souls"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

---IT HAD BEEN A WEEK since the Slytherin party and the air around had changed from light and breezy to a bit more chilly. Vast blue skies, gusts of freezing, icy wind, pungent smells of baked goods and cinnamon, and trails of crunchy, orangish-red leaves falling gently from barren trees all confirmed the fast approaching of Autumn.

One fine evening, after dreadful Divination class Beatrice sat in the common room leaning against the window sill scribbling on parchments of paper while glancing at the turquoise waters outside the window and sipping on her herbal tea every once in a while. It was quite a lazy day. Blaise, Daphne, and Draco were engrossed in a conversation on the velvet couches while Cassandra finally entered the room after a private conversation with Trelawney and Luna. She walked towards Beatrice who was sitting all alone and was disappointed to find her with big fat books surrounding all sides of her, in huge piles forming pillars of what seemed to be an educational prison.

"Merlin would you ever stop studying" complained Cassandra leading Beatrice to finally look up from her work

" I'm simply doing my homework" shrugged Beatrice as she continued writing contently.

" Well then simply don't do your homework," said Cassandra causing Beatrice to shoot her an amused look. Someone was in a mood.

"Cassandra my sweet daft dumbo of a best friend if I don't do my homework you will have nothing to copy from" smirked Beatrice leading Cassandra to roll her eyes.

" Fair point but then I guess we'll both have to rely on my brother's work instead" Cassandra peering into Beatrice's parchment.

"Wait a minute, this isn't homework. What the hell are you even writing, some kind of twisted emotional poetry" exclaimed Cassandra, intrigued at the words.

"Oh honey no, it's not poetry, I'm simply writing the lyrics to some music" shrugged Beatrice, continuing to draw hearts around some classic old Taylor Swift lyrics.

"Then why in Merlin's beard do you have all these books around you" questioned Cassandra, not entirely convinced.

"It just made me feel more productive" sighed Beatrice slamming her books shut and joining the rest of them on the couch.

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

" So what are you'll talking about?" asked Beatrice curiously as she sat down next to Daphne while Cassandra plonked herself onto an armchair.

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