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"She was the finest arranged stardust I had ever stumbled across"

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"She was the finest arranged stardust I had ever stumbled across"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

--IT HAD BEEN an entire week since Beatrice had gotten the letter from Harry, and she had spent the week working on herself, pampering herself with muggle self-care products, healing over her losses, and as Luna liked to call it 'cleansing her aura'. Beatrice had started to finally feel more confident in herself, had found closure with the events of the previous week, and was finally ready to move on and blossom into a butterfly, a new version of herself if you would.

Beatrice 2.0 was the same girl as always, with astrophile tendencies, an unhealthy obsession with music, and a real talent for seeking, except now with self-love and optimism.

"Bea come on we're getting late for Transfiguration" Cassandra called out to Beatrice who groaned waking up lazily. Oh well, some things never change.

"Give me two minutes" Beatrice groaned as she tossed to the side exhausted. Last night she had gotten back to her dormitory super late after spending a few hours in the astronomy tower with Harry chitter-chattering. The two had grown quite close, and Beatrice would go as far as saying they were really good friends.

"Friends and nothing more" Beatrice sighed to herself, thinking of the past week. She had told him last week that they could hang without labels and figure things out, but he hadn't made a move yet and Beatrice was getting slightly impatient. It was what he said he wanted right, so why was he not doing anything?

Finally, Beatrice got dressed and headed towards Transfiguration along with Cassandra, sitting in the second last row. Transfiguration was extremely boring, and Beatrice was humming to herself while doodling flowers and plants on her parchment instead of taking notes.

While absent-mindedly fidgeting with her quill, Beatrice could see a crumbled piece of paper coming towards her and caught it. Slowly, she unfolded the note and looked around the class to see who had sent her the note, when her eyes met Harry who was smiling at her.

"Stay back after class, meet me outside the room. I want to talk to you about something."

The note read and Beatrice couldn't help but feel flustered. Finally, she thought to herself as she nodded in Harry's direction his cheek tinting red at this gesture.

"Merlin, finally class is over, I would have fallen asleep if she spoke some more" Cassandra complained after a good 30 minutes of torture, as she gathered her stuff and waited for Beatrice.

"Hurry up Bea, you're taking ages" complained Daphne as Beatrice simply shrugged.

"You guys go I'll catch up with you" Beatrice requested as the others started to leave.

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