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"He touched me and it felt as if the stars were dancing across my skin"

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"He touched me and it felt as if the stars were dancing across my skin"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

--"SO WOULD YOU tell me where we're going now at least," Beatrice asked, blushing furiously as she took in Harry's appearance. He was wearing slick black pants with baggy ends and a loose green t-shirt. His hair was perfectly combed from the back and sides but the front ends were purposely left messy, almost taunting Beatrice. Merlin, he looked good.

"You'll see when we get there," Harry said grinning widely, he was so excited about this. He had been planning all week, asking advice from everyone, ensuring that everything was perfect and to her liking.

"Just tell me already Harry I've waited long enough" Beatrice countered, giving him puppy dog eyes. She had been asking him for the past three days, never getting a proper answer. But Beatrice couldn't help it, her curiosity was brimming right now, and she couldn't wait any longer.

Harry looked at her for a few seconds before smoothly saying, "Did I mention you look absolutely stunning today". Beatrice instantly forgot what she was asking before and felt butterflies erupting in her stomach.

"You mean I don't look stunning every day" Beatrice pouted playfully, as Harry scoffed at this.

"No you look beautiful every day but today you look exceptionally stunning" Harry replied casually, as Beatrice felt her cheeks heat up once again. This boy knew exactly what he was doing to her, and exactly what he needed to do to get a reaction out of her.

"Nice save Harry, why thank you" Beatrice mused, still smiling happily.

"Wait a minute, you cheeky bastard you changed the topic didn't you" Beatrice finally realized as Harry smirked contently.

"It's not my fault, you looked so pretty that I had to say it" Harry defended himself, raising both his hands in surrender jokingly.  And he wasn't lying. She certainly looked ethereal.

"Mhmm" Beatrice replied shaking her head slightly.

"It's true though, you look so gorgeous, even Aphrodite is jealous" Harry complimented, and Beatrice could feel her knees weakening with each word that spilled out of his lips.

"You're distracting me aren't you" Beatrice demanded, placing her hands on her hips, finally gaining control of her reactions. 

"Yes, call it revenge for the quidditch match. Is it working?" Harry questioned, feeling pleased with himself.

"Unfortunately yes" Beatrice revealed, her eyes looking straight into Harry's.

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