0.14 | confessions & closure

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"Sometimes all I have is the moon"

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"Sometimes all I have is the moon"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

----AS BEATRICE ENTERED the tower, tremor in her steps she could see a face. His face.

"I can come back later, I didn't know someone would be here at this hour," Beatrice said timidly, turning around hastily, ready to leave. The last thing she needed today was this.

"No, Stay. I insist" Harry said when he recognized the voice. It was her. The voice he had been longing to her for so long.

"Alright," said Beatrice gently as she collapsed onto the floor next to Harry, her knees folded into her chest, arms wrapped around them as though they'd fall off any minute. As though she would fall any minute. Both of them were sitting close together, Harry's feet dangling off the edge of the tower. They sat there in silence for a while, Beatrice in her own thoughts Harry in his.

Until Harry finally looked towards her to get a glance at her. Her face was now illuminated by the moon and Harry could clearly see her features. Her eyes were bloodshot red as though she'd been crying all day, her lips swollen, silent tears dripping down her face, her hair tied in a messy bun with loose ends falling into her face effortlessly. She looked frail, delicate, almost broken. Seeing her like this broke Harry's heart, what had made her so miserable? But even at her state, she looked beautiful and Harry had missed being in close proximity to her.

"Beatrice are you alright?" Harry finally asked as Beatrice's lifeless brown eyes locked into green ones.

"FUCK! Obviously not Potter, why else would I agree to stay here with you in the middle of the night voluntarily" Beatrice raged as she let her feet dangle down the astronomy tower.

"Hey what's wrong," Harry asked, trying to be as gentle as possible.

"Merlin, can't you see I'm upset. Let me be you douchebag. Fuck! My mom- she- she's no more. Is that an answer enough for you" Beatrice screamed, as she clenched her knuckles in anger.

"I'm so sorry Beatrice" Harry's mouth fell open, she didn't deserve this. At all. He wrapped his arm around her but when he saw her shudder at the touch, he instantly unwrapped it.

Beatrice just sat there staring at the stars and the dark dark night. The stars had never looked duller, more mundane, more lifeless. It was almost tragically beautiful- a graveyard of stars.

The pain was now unbearable, conversations and snippets of memories with her mother repeating in an endless cycle in her mind like forgotten strips of old film. Every bone in her body ached and she felt all alone in this world. It was her against the entire fucking world.

It had been a hell of two weeks for Beatrice and this news was the last straw for her, the tip of the iceberg. Beatrice could feel herself drowning, plummeting into the deep end, and hitting rock-bottom. She could taste her mind spiraling into insanity, her sadness consuming her. But it was as though her heart and mind were both exhausted from it all. It was although she wanted to wallow in her misery, as though she didn't want to get up. She had given up, she was tired of holding on and now she had nothing left to hold on for. Everything she cared for was slipping through her hands, like grains of sand escaping from her hands and dripping onto the shore, out of her grasp. She didn't want to get better anymore, she just wanted to embrace the darkness like an old, lost friend and let it devour her.

Beatrice had had a flame in her, a flame of passion, of love burning within her soul, but that flame had been extinguished. And she didn't know if it would ever burn again.

"Bea, she's beyond proud of you and like an incredible person once told me, when people die they become stars, she's there looking out for you from the beyond, as a star as beautiful as her soul, as your soul" Harry finally spoke, and Beatrice would probably find his words comforting, full of warmth and incredibly cute in a cheesy way if it was for any other time. But right now he may as less be speaking Latin.

"I'm alone. I'm fucking alone. In this world I'm alone. I have no one left. Everyone's gone" Beatrice cried her voice crackling as waterfalls of tears flowed down her eyes once again.

"You're not alone Trix, you have me. You always will" Harry said as he squeezed her hand gently.

"I'm alone" Beatrice repeated as she buried her head into her hands, silence dawning upon the two once again.

After a while, Beatrice finally spoke again, wiping her tears away. She'd be strong, at least she'd try to be. Her mom would have wanted that. She wanted a distraction. Anything, absolutely anything to take her mind off her dark and disturbing thoughts. And at this point, if that meant a conversation with Potter, so be it.

"So what are you doing here at this hour Potter," she asked as Harry grimaced slightly as though he was having an internal battle between two answers.

"I come here every night, being here reminds me of being with you," he said slowly as Beatrice's eyes burned with rage. How dare he? How could he say that after everything he had done?

"Fucking hell Potter! You're the one who rejected me and basically gave me a friendship application out of pity." Beatrice sighed. He didn't get to do it. He didn't get to reject her and then say such things.

"I thought that's what you wanted," he said slowly, his brain spinning faster than the rings of Saturn at those words. What did she even mean?

"Fuck no. I wanted to be with you" Beatrice said bluntly, no emotion in her voice. It didn't matter anymore.

"And I with you. Let's be together then what's stopping us" Harry idiotically asked, as Beatrice could feel her blood boiling in her veins. How could he think he'd just have her after everything he had put her through?

"You're two weeks too late Potter," Beatrice said plainly as she got up and headed towards the other end of the astronomy tower. This distraction was not working.

"Oh," said Harry, unsure of what to do.

After a while, he asked, "Do you want to talk about it, your mother. I know letting it out helps." "only if you want to that is" he added when he realized she was being silent again.

"sure why the fuck not," Beatrice said as she sat back next to Harry. She knew that if she kept it bottled up inside, it was only a matter of time. Only a matter of time, before the ticking bomb that was her, would explode and bring devastation and death to everyone around her.

"She's gone! She's fucking gone! I'm never going to see her again. Everything is gone. And I wrote her a stupid letter telling her about my life, while she was out there being murdered. And she's never read my letter. And I don't even remember what's the last thing I said to her. And my life's a mess and I have no family and I don't know what to do anymore and I just want her back and it hurts me physically and I feel like I can't breathe anymore and" Beatrice said in one breathe her voice cracking here and there.

"Come here," Harry said as he hugged her tightly, her head nuzzling into his shoulder, his hands wrapped around her body protectively.

And just like that, Beatrice spent the rest of the night in Harry's arms, crying and screaming until she finally drifted into a sleep full of nightmares.

But none of them could compare to her reality.

A/N- last sad chapter I promise 😭fluffy stuff coming soon:)

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