0.18 | treetop confessions

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"If kisses were stars, I would give you the sky

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"If kisses were stars, I would give you the sky."

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

---BEATRICE ENTERED THE treehouse, her heart fluttering uncontrollably as she looked around. It was adorable. There were two beanbags in the center for them to sit on, a table and a chair on one end with a huge assortment of foods, on the back of the treehouse there were minimalistic paintings hung, and the entire place was wrapped around by twinkling fairy lights, making it look extremely aesthetic. Both the right and left sides had huge open frames serving as windows that looked directly towards Hogwarts and into the forbidden forest, respectively. A cool wintry breeze flew through the treehouse, creating a soothing atmosphere.

"I love it so much" Beatrice exclaimed as she plonked herself onto the beanbag lazily, Harry joining beside her.

"I'm really happy you do" Harry smiled, looking at Beatrice. He wondered if she knew how perfect she seemed at that moment. Her eyes glinting with excitement and anticipation, fluttering across the room, scanning every inch contently, her hair swaying extremely subtly just about noticeable in the breeze, the evening sun shining in her face, lighting it up, making her seem glowing. 

"So what do you want to do first- eat or just talk or whatever you find comfortable ?" Harry finally asked when he realized that he had been staring at her for way more than was socially acceptable.

 He had planned the entire date in detail, but he hadn't bothered to plan what they were going to do or what they were going to talk about. Hermione had told him that it was often wise to have a small list of questions preferred in case conversation failed one on a date, but Harry had immediately objected. With him and Beatrice, conversation about the most random things usually came gushing out and this would probably be no different. 

"Whatever it is people typically do on dates I suppose" Beatrice finally answered after pondering on it for a while. She hadn't really considered it either. 

"But we're on a not-date remember," Harry interjected, almost as though he was mocking the usage of the word 'not date for the entire ordeal, making Beatrice laugh slightly. 

"I suppose the opposite than" Beatrice stated nonchalantly and when she noticed the quirked eyebrow Harry was giving her she decided to explain further. 

"Usually, people on dates tell each other the most basic interesting facts about themselves, so how about we do the opposite? Give me the worst introduction you could give me of yourself, and let's see who can give the worse date introduction" Harry nodded excitedly. This was going to be interesting. 

"How about we make it a little more complicated, a vaguer of some sort" Harry added, a mischievous smile on his face.

"I like the way you think so what do you want to bet on" Beatrice questioned, she was always up for some sort of a challenge. 

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