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"she walked in moon dust and stars were sprinkled in her hair"

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"she walked in moon dust and stars were sprinkled in her hair"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

---------BEATRICE WAS SLOWLY adjusting to her new life at Hogwarts. It felt a bit strange at first to wake up to the melodious sounds of the lazy turquoise waters of the lake rippling and gently kissing the windows of the dormitories instead of the magnificent gardens and magical fountains that she was used to. However, by the third day or so she had managed to explore every inch of the enchanting castle and the castle's thick walls that were adorned with paintings gave her a sense of warmth and comfort in a way Beauxbatons never managed to.

Hogwarts had offered her more friendships as well, and as much as she hated to admit it the girls back at Beauxbartons weren't particularly fond of her so this was rather pleasant for a change. Cassandra had introduced her to a couple of other Slytherins in her year such as Daphne Greengrass, Millicent Bulstrode, Blaise Zabrani and Pansy Parkinson and she had clicked with all of them except Pansy who was too bitter for Beatrice's taste anyways.

As for the teachers, they seemed to have incredibly high expectations of her (oh the delights of having a wonderful elder sister in the same school) but nevertheless she had manage to impress most of them except Professor Mcgonigall of course. (apparently breaking every bit of one's china cups didn't really spark admiration). However, after a couple of tutoring sessions with Potter, Beatrice hoped to change that as well.

Speaking of tutoring lessons, her first one was in the library in less than 10 minutes and Beatrice still wasn't ready. Hurriedly, she put on her robes and grabbed a pair of shoes before racing down the halls towards the library. In a vain attempt to beat the clock she sprinted into the library only to be greeted by scowls and "shhh"s. Harry was already waiting for her and led her to one of the inside shelves, giving them a bit of privacy.

"So you were in quite a hurry I see" whispered Harry glancing at her choice of footwear. Beatrice looked down and noticed that she had grabbed onto two different shoes- one black shoe her standard one for school and much to Harry's amusement the other- a heeled boot. What an idiotic move.

"Fashion statement" she shrugged trying to find an excuse for her tardiness as she grinned sheepishly. Harry laughed at this, perhaps a little too long making it seem as more of a pity laugh than a genuine one.

"I'm Beatrice Black" Beatrice extended her hand realising that she hadn't formally introduced herself to her tutor. 

"I know" he said as he took her hand a shook it, feeling electricity in his vein. Her hands were so soft, so delicate- he found himself staring at her. After akwardly shaking her hand for a few more seconds Harry finally returned to reality.

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