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"In the end we're all-stars, waiting for someone who can handle our supernova"

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"In the end we're all-stars, waiting for someone who can handle our supernova"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

---HURRY UP BITCH ass we're getting late for Potions" Beatrice yelled as she dragged Blaise and Cassandra with one hand each, towards the dungeons for double potion with the Gryffindors.

"Merlin Bea, would you relax, since when are you all excited for bloody Potions" complained Blaise as he struggled to keep up with Beatrice, who was a train of excitement going on full speed.

"It's with the Gryffindors, so naturally Bea here is excited for one particular golden boy," Cassandra remarked casually as Beatrice's cheeks tinted slightly pink. But if anyone asked her about it she'd blame their eyesight.

"Utter nonsense Cass, I'm merely avoiding detention with Snape" Beatrice defended herself causing both of them to roll their eyes at the lame excuse.

"It's Snape, we all know he never would give his own house students detention" stated Blaise as the three entered into the dungeons 5 minutes early and took their usual seats. Blaise and Draco behind Cassandra and Beatrice while Daphne sat ahead of them along with Pansy.

Soon the room started to fill up, as more Gryffindors and Slytherins started entering and Professor Snape commenced his class.

"Some of you will benefit from today's assignment: Wit-Sharpening Potion. Perhaps you should begin immediately, start picking partners " the professor said, as students started exchanging places.

Beatrice looked at Cassandra expectantly, who only shrugged and shared an evil grin with Blaise.

"I'm partnering with Blaise, sorry Bea, I think Potter still doesn't have a partner though," Cassandra said, mustering as innocent of a tone as she could, but the malice glinting in her eyes gave her away.

"Ron, partners I suppose" Harry questioned the boy next to him who shook his head instantly.

"I'm going to partner with Hermione, no offense Harry but I don't want to fail this class as well" Ron explained, as Harry looked around for another partner.

"I see Black yet doesn't have a partner, perhaps you'll could pair up. For potions only obviously" Hermione suggested cheekily as Harry smiled slightly.

"Beatrice, would you want to be partners," Harry asked Beatrice as he approached the now vacant seat next to her.

"Doesn't look like I have much of a choice" grinned Beatrice as she looked at the classroom, everyone else had already partnered up.

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