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Heyy guys, please don't skip this, just a few things I want to mention to avoid confusion while reading :

-Beatrice is a transfer student and will be attending the fourth year, however, due to the fact that some of the content of this book may not be appropriate for 14-year-olds, they are going to be 15-year-olds instead

-I am aware that quidditch was banned during the fourth year due to the Triwizard Tournament but because of the storyline quidditch isn't going to be banned

-Luna Lovegood is going to be in Harry's year since she plays the love interest for Cassandra Malfoy

-Some events of the story will be slightly different from the books and movies due to the addition of my OC's

Anyways that's all for now, thank you for choosing this book. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it <3

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