0.21 | Losing Himself

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"He was beautifully out of place

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"He was beautifully out of place. Sometimes I believe he intended to be. Like the moon during the day.

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

--IT HAD BEEN a few days since Harry had been sitting at the Slytherin table, and now either everyone had stopped staring or the two had gotten so used to it they didn't even realize it anymore- probably the latter.

Beatrice would often see Harry glancing at Hermione and Ron at the Gryffindor Table feeling a mixture of guilt and hurt? but she chose to let it go each day, telling herself that it was probably nothing and that if he wanted he would have told her already.

Harry on the other hand was getting a bit more and more affected each day. It was like those 'Potter Stinks' badges all over again, and the more time he spent with Beatrice the more withdrawn he felt from his house, his friends and Harry hated that. 

"Earth to Beatrice. Hello?" Daphne waved her hand in front of Beatrice making her return to reality, and stop overthinking about Harry.

"Yes, what happened," Beatrice asked, finally looking at Daphne who was nicely sitting on the couch next to her in the common room. 

"Weren't you supposed to meet Potter at the library for a study session or something?" Daphne repeated for the third time, as Beatrice's eyes went wide. How forgetful could she be? 

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," she cursed under her breathe, looking at the time and racing to get her belongings before rushing out towards the library.

"Hello," Harry cheerfully greeted as Beatrice finally arrived, dumping her bag on the side and taking the seat next to Harry. 

"Sorry I'm late" she apologized taking out her parchment and quill. 

"That's alright, what held you up?" Harry inquired curiously, finally opening his book as well. 

"I was daydreaming" Beatrice responded absent-mindedly. 

"About me?" Harry questioned smiling as Beatrice felt those all too familiar butterflies in her stomach, every damn time she was around him.

"Oh honey no, if it was about you it would be a daymare" Beatrice retorted wittily, but technically she was lying. She was thinking of him. He seemed to be taking over her thoughts these days. 

"You just made that word up," Harry said more as an observation than an accusation. 

"Why does everyone keep calling me out on that" Beatrice mused as Harry raised an eyebrow, asking for the story behind that. 

"Cassandra" she explained but Harry gestured her to go on. "I made up the word rubbishly" she added making Harry chuckled lightly. 

"Rubbishly?" he asked in disbelief, to an embarrassed Beatrice who simply nodded. 

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