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"She was the type to fall in love with the moon, and everything that was beautifully unreachable"

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"She was the type to fall in love with the moon, and everything that was beautifully unreachable"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

——BEATRICE BLACK LOVED MUSIC, almost as much as she loved earphones. It was one of the more fascinating things that muggles had invented along with Starbucks coffee ( the wonders a single shot of expresso could do). Often times, Beatrice would lay in bed with a pair of white earphones and an iPod that she had shoplifted back when her family had visited USA ( when she offered to pay in galleons the shopkeeper had exploded into hysterical laughter and had refused the 'childish prank' so she really had no choice) . She had managed to smuggle these marvels into Hogwarts inside her robe pockets.

She kept her ear phones and iPod hidden during the day and only heard music at night when everyone had fallen asleep, since she knew the pure bloods would scorn at her usage of muggle devices. However, in the silence of the night Beatrice shuffled through some of her favourite songs as she lay awake staring at the view outside her window on her left.

The night was tranquil and silent, in a comforting way and tiny sparkling pearls adorned the midnight sky, illuminating the voice of space and engulfing the slumbering world below.

Today Beatrice was in a calm mood compared to the last few days. It had been a couple of days since the girls of BeauxBatons had arrived and nothing unusual had happened so Beatrice felt content. She listening to the melodious tunes and hummed then under her breathe.

Listening to music Beatrice fell asleep and soon enough she was riding trains of thoughts into unknown destinations....

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

Cassandra and Beatrice walked into Divination just as the bell rang, much to Cassandra's annoyance. Professor Treelawny gave each pair teacups as Beatrice groaned a little, teacups never worked in her favour. Cassandra on the other hand was smiling brightly, excited from class. Divination was one subject that Cassandra adored and the subject seemed to adore her as well.

While most people loathed (an understandable understatement really) Divination, Cassandra had a natural talent for the subtle art of Vodoo (as Beatrice liked to call it) and was Professor Treelawny's favourite student along with Luna Lovegood. The professor smiled gently as she handed Cassandra and Beatrice their teacups.

"Today we shall be learning Tessomancy. Take your partner's teacup and tell me what you see" she explained and headed towards Cassandra's table.

"My dear what do you see" she asked Cassandra as the girl peered into Beatrice's cup and instantly replied, "An apple, that's good knowledge, seems like someone doesn't need to worry about exams, a cottage- no rather a house, Slytherin stands a chance in the Quidditch Cup this year after all and a heart- well that's wonderful looks like you'll find love this year"

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