0.05 | metamorphmagus madness

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"She wonders if he sits under the moon thinking about her, too"

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"She wonders if he sits under the moon thinking about her, too"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

-----"BEATRICE ARE YOU AWAKE?" asked Harry as he looked at the frail, delicate girl that lay beside him, who nodded sleepily in response.

"It's pretty late Beatrice, maybe we should go back to our common rooms" asked Harry his eyes looking into her light grey ones. He could see patterns, galaxies, magic all at once flash in her eyes. It then all struck Beatrice at once. Fuck. She was still in the astronomy tower with Harry Potter and by now it would probably be nearing 3am.

"Why Potter, scared?" mocked Beatrice, if it was up to her she'd spend her entire night under the stars.

"No it's late that's all" Harry denied her outrageous claims.

"Very well, let's go back to the common rooms" smiled Beatrice, getting up and approaching the stairs of the tower, Harry followed behind her.

"If you want I could walk you to the Slytherin Common Room" offered Harry nervously.

"That's alright, I can find my way, just try not to get caught Potter and if you do you never met me" Beatrice fake threatened him as they walked down the narrow staircase, their hands brushing against each other constantly.

"You as well Miss Black" he said, running his hand through his messy black hair, visibly disappointed that she had rejected his offer.

"This has been a delight Mr.Potter, see you around" Beatrice replied, playing along.

"I will take your leave now" said Harry as he turned around and walked towards the Gryffindor Tower, but not before taking one last glance at the beautiful brunette that would be following him into his dreams very soon.

Beatrice had some other plans for tonight. Back at Beauxbatons she would often change into professors and students she despised to either avoid getting caught while sneaking back to her dorm or for getting her dear unlucky classmate into trouble. Ever sine she had arrived at Hogwarts Beatrice had been longing to turn into professor Snape and this was the perfect opportunity.

"What use was being a  Metamorphmagus if not playing harmless little games" Beatrice giggled to herself as she tried to concentrate on the Professor's outrageous fashion choices and greasy greasy, greasy hair. "Maybe I'll buy Sevy some shampoo for Christmas" mused out Beatrice as she waited for the Metamorphmagism to work.

And soon enough her brunette strands of silk were replaced by short black hair and the rest of her body resembled that of the grumpy portions master."Lumos" she muttered as she glanced inside a mirror, satisfied with her transformation. Suddenly she heard some footsteps approaching her and started to walk in the slithery manner that the professor did. The footsteps stopped right in front of her as Beatrice held out her glowing wand to reveal the face of the figure in front of her.

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