0.13 | grief and graveyards

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"The sky is so tragically beautiful

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"The sky is so tragically beautiful.
A graveyard of stars. "

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

---IT HAD BEEN over two weeks since Detention, the first task of the Triwizard tournament had been completed, and the gap between Harry and Beatrice had only increased. Ever since they had decided to just be friends, none of the two knew what to say to another. They had gone through three days brimming with uncomfortable silence. And as time passed it just became more awkward, none of them uttering a word to the other.

Oftentimes in class, Beatrice would stare at Harry only to find his green eyes already burning into hers. They would both let their eyes linger on each other for a split second, a moment of silence, of peace, of pretending that everything was still alright between them. But after that fraction of a second, they'd hastily look somewhere else and continue with their day.

Other times, Harry would approach Beatrice hoping to say something, anything at all but whenever he got close to her it reminded him of the detention. Every time he got near her it hurt him. It was as though whenever he was around her he was so close to everything he ever wanted yet so far away. Like his dreams and hopes were laid in front of him, but he couldn't touch it or reach it so they just stayed there almost teasing him cruelly. So after mouthing words from behind her a few times, with no sound coming out from his tongue, Harry stopped trying. It's not that he gave up quite the opposite actually. It just hurt too damn much.

Cassandra, Blaise, Daphne, and even Draco could see that something was genuinely wrong from the very day she stepped back after detention a storming raging mess, but they didn't ask any questions. They knew she didn't want to talk about it. It was assumed to be something to do with Harry, so Harry was the unspoken taboo word of their conversations, which was easier for some people to adhere to than others.

"Fucking Saint Pottah, today I was" started off Draco one day, as the lot of them were sitting on the grass in the gardens of Hogwarts, enjoying the nice wintry breeze.

"Shut up Draco" Cassandra mumbled as she nudged Draco slightly, looking in Beatrice's direction.

"Guys I know you'll have been avoiding talking about Ha- Potter. But as much as I appreciate it, it's alright it's not like we broke up and I'm heartbroken or anything. We didn't even go out" sighed Beatrice as her lips curled upwards into a sad smile.

"Well then, why are you acting like such a boring-sad-all-the-fucking-time-heartbroken-bitch, or is that just your personality?" Pansy asked bluntly as Daphne whacked her head in annoyance.

"Pansy do you know what hurts more than a broken heart" Beatrice calmly replied. Pansy's words didn't affect her anymore. Nothing did. Beatrice Black was numb.

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