0.22 | Us Or Her?

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"Even the moon, master of the sea, illuminator of the night, has his craters" 

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"Even the moon, master of the sea, illuminator of the night, has his craters" 

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

" I GUESS YOU owe me 10 galleons after all" Harry mused looking at Beatrice, who was busily eating her dinner, trying to ignore Harry entirely. 

"Wait a minute you bet on me and Luna" Cassandra questioned, shocked, as she looked up from her food, to glance at the Gryffindor who was seated right opposite her, on a table surrounded by Slytherins once again. 

"Well ya and I won" Harry grinned as Beatrice rolled her eyes. 

"Good for you Potter" Blaise clapped him on the back as Harry looked at Beatrice with a shocked expression, who only smiled back at him. The Slytherins were finally accepting him, and she couldn't be happier. 

"So how exactly did you two get together?" Daphne asked as Cassandra narrated the entire incident once again. 

Just 4 hours earlier

Cassandra and Beatrice were walking down the hallways after a horrible portion lesson when they noticed a dreamy girl lost in her own thoughts, roaming around almost as though she was searching for something but had no intention of finding it. The girl had gorgeous blonde hair and a gentle smile that Cassandra recognised immediately. It was her. Luna Lovegood- the mysterious Ravenclaw girl who had fascinated Cassandra right from their first divination lesson itself.

"I think I'm going to tell her how I feel" Cassandra stated suddenly, the blush on her cheeks evident. 

"About bloody time" Beatrice hummed approvingly. 

" You go, I'll just meet you back in-" before Cassandra could even finish her sentence, Beatrice nodded her head at her best friend and left her alone on the fifth floor along with Luna. 

At first, Cassandra didn't quite know what to do and just stared at the girl who was in her own world and didn't seem to notice the Slytherin looking at her longingly. Finally, Cassandra decided to go and talk to the girl instead of being stalkerish.

"Are you looking for something? " Cassandra asked lightly tapping Luna's shoulder who remained perfectly calm despite being sneaked upon as though Cassandra's touch was the most natural thing in the world. 

"Oh it's just the nargles at it again, they've taken my shoes and rives those naughty creatures" Luna sighed staring into Cassandra's light blue eyes. 

"Sweetie I don't think it's nargles," Cassandra explained, her heartbreaking for Luna. She hated that people were constantly making fun of her and annoying her when she had gone nothing to even deserve it. Luna was sweet and accepting of everyone, she was far too pure for this cruel cruel world. 

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