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"She was the type of girl the moon chased and the stars wished for"

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"She was the type of girl the moon chased and the stars wished for"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

-----IT WAS THE FIRST quidditch match of the season and Beatrice was ecstatic. Ecstatic to beat the Gryffindor's in quidditch that is. She quickly got dressed, gobbled down her breakfast, and almost instantly frolicked to the quidditch arena. The match was starting in 20 minutes. This was it. It was her time to show the Slytherins exactly why she deserved to be the seeker and Malfoy didn't. Slowly slowly, the entire team started to come and the spectator seats started filling up rapidly as well. Slytherin vs Gryffindor was probably the most popular match, that nobody wished to miss, so the entire arena was packed with people decorated in either yellow or green.

Beatrice looked around, trying to find some familiar faced in the crowd. She could see Cassandra, Daphne, and Blaise all seated beside each other on the Slytherin side of the arena, waving at her when she caught their eye. She waved back slightly. The Gryffindor team had arrived as well and were swirling on their broomsticks, probably warming up, while the Slytherins on the other hand were just standing on the field lazily. Beatrice mounted on her broom and started flying in circles getting prepared for the match.

Then, Beatrice caught Malfoy scowling at her from a distance, giving her the nastiest expression one possibly could and she was a bit alarmed. The horrid glare, startled her a bit and she could almost feel her confidence crumbling down.  What if she lost, the entire house would certainly hate her then? If she lost she probably would be an outcast? If she lost Draco would most certainly be proved correct that she only got onto the team because of her sister. Was she really so worthless that she needed free handouts from her sister?

"Geez, Beatrice, I know you love overcomplicating everything but just before your first quidditch match in a new school is not the time nor place for this" Beatrice scolded herself as she landed back on her feet, blocked out the annoying thoughts from her head.

"I want a clean match now" demanded Miss Hooch before letting out the Golden Snitch, Bludgers and Quaffle out and blowing her whistle, the match had begun.

The next few minutes were a complete blur for Beatrice as she looked around for the snitch with little luck. "20-0 Gryffindor "10-40 Gryffindor" "30-70 Gryffindor" Beatrice didn't even notice the large margin that the Gryffindors had, until then. Shit! Her team was loosing, badly. She knew their only hope was if she managed to match the snitch before Harry as she could feel the pressure intensifying.

Finally, the golden ball and the golden boy both caught her eye simultaneously as she raced towards the snitch on her nimbus 2001. But Harry had seen it as well, and was racing ahead of her, eager to catch the snitch.

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