0.19 | an only girls and ferret trip

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"It's that heart of gold and stardust soul that makes you beautiful" -r

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"It's that heart of gold and stardust soul that makes you beautiful"
-r. m. Broderick

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

---"ISN'T TODAY A holiday" groaned Beatrice as she threw a pillow at Daphne in annoyance. If there's one thing that Beatrice valued more than anything the word- it would be the sweet bliss of sleep, and it was almost ironical for sleep seemed to have a rather complicated relationship with her.

Their bond resembled that of the muggle game hide and seek, Beatrice craving sleep, even chasing it while sleep kept slipping from her grasp, hiding and escaping, especially during the lonely hours of the night. Maybe this is why Beatrice had developed such a deep appreciation for the night sky, spending the hours pondering into space, waiting for sleep to finally give in. And whenever she caught sleep, Beatrice had absolutely no intention of letting it go.

"Well she isn't much of a morning person is she" giggled Daphne as she tried to drag Beatrice out of bed, who was not having it. She huffed, rolling around before snuggling against her pillow once again.

"No duh," remarked Cassandra as she poured a glass of warm water over Beatrice, drenching her along with the pillows and bed sheet, much to Beatrice's annoyance.

Beatrice grabbed her wand from the nightstand, muttered a drought charm, and ducked her head into the bracket once again, completely unbothered.

"You can't remember a single Transfiguration spell from our fourth-year portion and yet you have no trouble remembering a spell as useless as that. You baffle me Bea" mused out Cassandra to a motionless Beatrice, who was rolling her closed eyes in her mind.

"Black get up, it's time to go to Hogsmede," an arrogant voice demanded as Beatrice finally opened her eyes and turned to see Draco Malfoy standing there, an extremely bored expression on his face.

"Wait how can he come here in the girl's dormitory, isn't there some charm" Beatrice inquired as the others simply shrugged.

"It's Draco Malfoy, of course, he knows his way in and out the girl's dormitories, need I say more," Daphne casually remarked as Draco beamed proudly at that, while Beatrice shuddered at the thought. He was her cousin after all.

"Beatrice seriously hurry up or we'll leave you behind and if you don't have a date yet maybe staying in bed is ideal for you" stated Pansy plaintively, making Beatrice's blood boil.

"Why is that she needs to be one of the first things I see in the morning, can't we just take Hagrid's hippogriff or something shopping with us instead" sighed Beatrice still lying in bed contently.

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