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"I want to be yours, like the stars belong to the light"

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"I want to be yours,
like the stars belong to the light"

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

--"SO THAT WAS quite an interesting Portions class that we had today, wasn't it?" Daphne asked Beatrice as she plonked herself onto a velvet couch in the common room after the final class of the day.

"I suppose so, don't get what was so unusual about today" Beatrice lied casually as she sat next to Daphne

"Oh my fucking god, just cut the bullshit. You and Potter were eye fucking in Potions" Draco stated bluntly before Daphne had a chance to argue with Beatrice.

"Merlin, we were not! Cassandra back me up" protested Beatrice as she crossed her hands and turned her face to the other side, to avoid her friend's from seeing her flustered face. Ever since Potions, Beatrice's mind had been wandering to places it shouldn't have been. To people, it shouldn't have been. More specifically, a certain boy with jet black hair and forest green eyes was clouding her mind constantly, like a thick white fog, enclosing her mind and blocking out all her other thoughts. She couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Snape hadn't interrupted them.

"Sorry B, I'm going to have to go with my brother on this one. Even Snape could tell you'll were undressing each other with your eyes. And let's be honest, the greasy git is oblivious so that clearly says something" Cassandra commented while shrugging off the death glare Beatrice was giving her.

"We weren't having a moment or anything" Beatrice protested weakly, but at this point, even she didn't believe her own lies. If professor Snape didn't interrupt them they would have kissed and Beatrice couldn't help but feel a million butterflies in her stomach at the thought.

How would it feel to run her hands through his messy hair? To feel his hands interlocked with hers fitting in perfectly? To kiss those soft, soft lips- Merlin Beatrice shut up! Beatrice scolded herself as she felt her mind racing at a million miles per second. He would have kissed her, and she wouldn't mind it, he would have kissed her and she would have liked it. Beatrice could almost hear her mind spinning until it was reaching the realization- and then it struck her fast and hard like a bullet straight to her heart.

"I like Harry Potter" Beatrice mumbled out quietly, and she instantly covered her mouth when she realized she had said it out loud.

"Fuck! Shit! Beatrice you weren't supposed to say that out loud, they don't need to know that your heart melts because of his goofy smile and that you think his eyes sparkle brighter than emerald- AND HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I'm yet talked out loudly, aren't I" Beatrice yelled out the last part as she saw four very amused faces looking at her.

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