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"Sitting next to you is like taking a sip of eternity, the sun, the stars, the sky, never tasted so good"

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"Sitting next to you is like taking a sip of eternity, the sun, the stars, the sky, never tasted so good"

Christy Ann Martine

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

"Guys Harry's going to be sitting at the Slytherin table for a week from today so please try and be civil at least" requested Beatrice, before they were heading towards the great hall for breakfast. 

"Are we talking about the same Harry Potter?" Blaise mused, the others looking as confused as him. Why on earth would Harry Potter be sitting at the Slytherin table?

"Haha very funny but I'm serious for me please" Beatrice beseeched. She knew given the entire Gryffindor-Slytherin rivalry and all, Harry sitting with them was sure as hell going to cause waves, and the least she could do was some damage control. 

"Bea you know we're here for you, so if you want us to be civil to your little Potter, we shall be" Daphne complied, as Cassandra and Blaise nodded in agreement. The Slytherins and Harry getting somewhat along, this was going to be an interesting sight. 

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I really appreciate it so much" Beatrice squealed, giving each of them a tiny hug. 

"Of course, we love you but the real people you need to talk to are Draco and Pansy" Cassandra suggested, making Beatrice sigh. This was going to be hard. 

"Draco my favorite cousin, the one who owes me for not ratting to his parents about not being seeker" Beatrice called out to Draco, who was busily conversing with Pansy. 

"What do you want Black?" Draco demanded turning towards her. 

"I need you and you're girlfriend to be nice to Harry when he sits with us" Beatrice explained, getting straight to the point. 

"Absolutely not! No fucking way, what do I look like a bloody soldier to you practicing chivalry" Draco denied immediately, making Pansy giggle slightly, as she continued fawning over him. 

"Do I need to remind me that you owe me?" Beatrice stated, trying to hound the little power she had to make Draco cave.

"I don't care, I'd rather go to Azkaban than play nice with Pottah" Draco refused to budge, making Beatrice scowl. This was going to be harder than she thought. 

"Okay fine not nice, just maybe don't insult him" Beatrice bargained hopefully. Small steps at a time, she told herself. 

"Hard pass. And why the fuck is the half-bred sitting with us anyways, the mudblood and weasel not company enough" Draco snapped dryly, as Beatrice chose to ignore his harsh words. If it were another time she would probably make Draco apologize for that but right now she needed a favor from him so she remained silent. 

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