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"I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything

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"I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. Maybe we're from the same star."

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

---------------BEATRICE WAITED ANXIOUSLY for the sorting hat to make its decision. Until it finally spoke, startling Beatrice a little.

"Another Black, what a delight. But where should I put you? You're most certainly not an easy one to place you know that. I see curiosity and knowledge, hints of Ravenclaw I suppose,"  the hat paused for a few seconds. Beatrice's mind was spinning uncontrollably. What would her mother do if she was put in Ravenclaw along with the so-called condescending nerds and insufferable know-it-alls? Would her sister ever speak to her in the hallways again (not that she cared) or would she spend her entire live exiled by her own family? She was doing it again, she was over-thinking to a self destructive point.

"But let's not be too hasty for your ambitions are greater than any I've seen before, SLYTHERIN!" the hat finally ended its monologue. Beatrice sighed in relief as the entire Slytherin table cheered her on. She took her place next to Cassandra but it all felt a little strange.

Harry on the other hand was extremely distraught. If she was in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff it wouldn't have better but she was in Slytherin, she was with the enemy. Angry, he grabbed a fork and stabbed it into his chicken. It was just his luck. The one girl that had caught his attention just had to have been in that pathetic house. Hermione noticed Harry's bitterness and rolled her eyes.

"Stop behaving like a disgusting,  hormonal idiotic 13 year old boy for Merlin's sake Harry! You don't even know the girl" scolded Hermione.

"But he is a disgusting, hormonal idiotic 13 year old" grinned Ron and the three started laughing uncontrollably.

"Well that's that. She's officially a snake" groaned Harry.

"Don't worry there's plenty of other animals in the jungle. Perhaps Eagles or our very own lions" giggled Hermione and Harry nodded slightly.

The first years were sorted into their houses and the feast began. After enjoying a delicious, heavy meal all the young witches and wizards were escorted back to their own common rooms by the prefects. Cassandra and Beatrice headed back towards their common room along with the rest of the Slytherins.

"So are you happy to be in Slytherin" asked Cassandra curiously.

"Yes Slytherin means everything to me" said Beatrice trying to show some house pride.

"I'm glad. You'll eventually grow to like it" Cassandra read through her friend's mind and gave her a gentle reassuring smile.

The girls walked down the stone-cold stairs, muttered the password for this fortnight 'pureblood' and entered the common room. It was majestic to say the least. The entire room was tinted green and lavish lamps, velvet sofas, deadly skulls, luxuriant lanterns, fancy tapestry and intricately carved chairs decorated the abode giving it a gothic ambience. High windows peaked into the great lake and the room practically screamed "Slytherin supremacy" and "Royalty" giving the students a sense of comfortableness in its own twisted way.

Beatrice shivered a bit as she lodged herself onto a couch in her new home. Cassandra lingered around for a while and the two finally decided to go to their dormitories to unpack. It had been a long, tiresome journey so Beatrice fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

      -♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

"Wake up Beatrice! Wake up! We are late for Transfiguration!" Cassandra shook the sleeping girl who woke up groaning. She hastily changed into her robes, grabbed an apple for breakfast that she munched along the way and entered into class along with her friend 5 minutes late.

"Late again Miss Malfoy I suppose some things never change. As for you Miss Black late on your first day itself, not a good start is it" said Professor McGonagall as the girls rushed into class.

"Sorry" they muttered in unison and took seats at the back of the class behind a bunch of Slytherins.

"As I was saying earlier, today we will simply be recapping some of the simpler spells we learnt last year and then maybe some new advanced ones since you are preparing for OWLS from now on." instructed the professor.

"But  we don't take OWLS until fifth year" said Dean Thomas

"Maybe not Thomas, but believe me you need all the help you can get" snapped back the Griffindor Head and Dean Thomas shut up at once.

"Anyways as I was saying we will revise some of the earlier spells. How about you Miss Black, perhaps you could show us the spell to turn this teapot into a tortoise"  she continued.

Beatrice hesitantly stood up and pointed her wand at the teacup that was placed in front of her. If she was being honest Transfiguration was far from her best subject and she had only heard a couple of seniors mutter the spell but had never tried it for herself. "It can't be that hard, you've seen others do it" she convinced herself and uttered the words.

Bang! The pretty china cup exploded into a million fragments and smoke started coming out from the absolute disaster. Beatrice stood there in horror as the professor cleaned up the mess.

"Remind me to never invite you to a teaparty darling" Cassandra muttered under her breathe.

McGonagall bit her lips. "Perhaps something simpler. Maybe you could show us the owl to opera glasses spell"

Beatrice sighed, completely embarrassed. "Im sorry professor it's just that we haven't done any of these spells at BeauxBatons last year" she admitted.

"I see, well I suppose we could arrange for a tutor for you to catch up to everyone. Perhaps Miss Granger or Mr.Potter, one of you would be kind enough to volunteer" she looked at the them expectantly.

Before Hermione could even answer Harry stood up and exclaimed, "Yes! Of course! I mean... I suppose it wouldn't be much trouble..." he tried to play it cool. Beatrice giggled a bit at this boy's eagerness, he sure was a strange duck.

"Very well, I suppose you guys can figure that out among yourselves" McGonagall declared as she continued with her lesson.

      -♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

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