0.24 | talking to the moon

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"you were born of the stars dear girl, stop settling for the dust they leave behind"

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"you were born of the stars dear girl, stop settling for the dust they leave behind"

-Abigail. J

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

" IF POTTER MYSTERIOUSLY ends up dead tomorrow it wasn't me, just blame our favourite noseless Voldie" Cassandra gritted through her teeth, as Beatrice finished repeating the story of what had happened the previous day to Daphne, Blaise, and Draco.

"Honestly he's a dick. It's time to move on Bea" Blaise reasoned, and as bad as he felt for Beatrice he couldn't help but feel happy for himself. With Harry out of the way, he actually had a shot.

"I agree, show him that you couldn't care less" Daphne backed up Blaise, as Beatrice nodded. She had suffered long enough because of him, and she was absolutely done with it.

"I say we get revenge" Cassandra stated slyly, her lips curling upwards. He had wronged her best friend- twice, and he wasn't getting away with it.

"What do you have in mind" Beatrice questioned, raising an eyebrow, her vindictive side over-powering her. It would be nice to see him being the one suffering for a change. Merlin knows he deserved it.

"I have no idea" Cassandra mused confidently, making them all chuckle slightly.

"Well whatever it is, I'm in" Beatrice smiled slightly, gathering her belongings as they finally went to Portions.

-♡︎☾♥︎ ☆♥︎☾♡︎-

Beatrice tried to ignore the green eyes that were piercing into her back the entire potion class. As far as she was concerned, Harry Potter did not exist, but he was making it extremely hard to ignore his existence, constantly throwing notes her way and trying to communicate by mouthing words and hand gestures that Beatrice pretended to not notice.

Crumbling the note that Harry had sent her without bothering to read what she was certain was another heartless apology she returned to making the Portion with Daphne.

"Do you want me to hex and threaten him till he stops trying?" Daphne asked, a dead serious look on her face, as Beatrice laughed shaking her head slightly.

"No need he's got to stop sooner or later" Beatrice stirred the portion absent-mindedly, waiting for it to turn orange but it seemed that the portion had other ideas, for it bubbled and babbled until it turned to a bright green.

"I don't think that's supposed to happen" Daphne noted as Beatrice finally peered inside, to see what she was brewing.

"Let's just exchange our cauldron with Draco's, you distract him I'll switch" Daphne suggested, as Beatrice felt an idea emerge.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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