#17: Iron Man

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"I hope I am strong enough to protect the one thing I can't live without."
~Tony stark


The park was silent as random people walked about: there was a couple holding hands, a man walking alone and a lonesome girl out for a late-night jog.

I held a sleepy Jeo's hands I stepped inside the gates. I had tried to make him stay inside the car. But he said he was afraid so I had to bring him along.

If I was honest I was too uneasy so, I decided it was better that Jeo was with me, otherwise, I would be even more worried.

A cool wind was blowing yet I was sweating and my heart was racing. Why did this moment give me a weird feeling of deja vu?

I stopped near the gates, only walking a couple of steps into the park and with my free hand, I wanted to pull out my phone. Only to realize I left it back at home.


I quickly picked up Jeo and looked around.

My mind yelled at me to run back to the car to fetch my phone. With the thought, I turned around only to find three men standing on the other side of the gates.

My heart sank.

I could be wrong but the men looked sketchy. And I had been in a similar situation before.

The feeling of deja vu got stronger.

"Jeo hold on tightly, okay?" I started walking deeper into the park as I felt the men follow, "close your eyes. Don't look up no matter what happens, okay?"

Jeo immediately tensed as he buried his face in my neck arms holding tight.

Jeo wasn't too big, even for his age and he wasn't too heavy but still, my hand won't be free, putting me at a disadvantage.

I thought quickly and decided the best thing right now would be to run away I can not beat them all. And I wasn't even sure who they were and what their motive was.

They could be normal abductors. Or people who had purposefully led me here.

I felt around my back pocket with my free hand as I picked up the pace. I briefly recalled that I had been to this park before. It was supposed to have a gate at the back.

If not that then on the further east side, the walls were short I could just jump over.

These men were following us. If they were ordinary abductors they could have gone after the other people there were.

They had other intentions.

And right now my priority was to make sure Jeo was safe.

Ahead the lights were dim and the paths were almost deserted. Yet I could see more silhouettes hiding in the dark that did not look like normal citizens.

I stopped.

If I go further I might risk both of us.

The men following behind also stopped and started to corner me. I turned around and slipped my hand into the back pocket of my jeans and pulled out a pocket knife that I kept with me at all times.

One arm wrapped firmly around Jeo who stuck to me like a koala bear I firmly gripped the knife in the other. The men smirked and laughed.

"You must be stupid if you think you can fight us." The first one laughed. They started to advance probably wanting to push me back to where the other men stood waiting.

"So stupid. You willing feel into the trap they set for you and even brought the kid with you." The biggest of the three laughed

I had trained in combat ever since I lost Jungsoo because I was weak. I had stood by and watched as they took her away.

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