#11: Hope

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"We often hold on and hope even though we know it will end up making us disappointment."



Around the empty apartment, the only light is the red LEDs burning over the small bar in Taehyungs apartment and the only thing breaking the cold silence was clinks of ice around the glass as Taehyung rolls it in circular motions staring at the red liquid spinning inside.

He stared at his phone as it rings with Jimin's name displayed.

Knowing Jimin won't stop calling until he answers Taehyung swipes a finger receiving the call and turning it on speaker.

"Yeboseayo?" (hello)

"Taehyung where the hell are you I have been waiting for you." Jimin's voice rings through Taehyung's empty apartment.

Taehyhng smiles as the pain coursed through his body at Jimin's words.

What could he do other than drink his mind off as the person he loves announces to the world that he is married now? To someone else?

It was already hard smiling to Jimin's face and acting like the fact didn't bother him at all.

"Taehyung?" Jimin called at the lack of response and he clenched the glass in his hand.

"Jimin, I am really sorry but my father had suddenly called me to Tokyo this morning on an urgent note and I had to leave in a hurry and I forgot to tell you." Taehyung lied smoothly.

"I can't believe you have the guts to do this to me after you only came back, Tae," Jimin said into the phone sounding a little disappointed and Taehyung felt like he had let Jimin down. At that moment - just like countless other moments - he opened his mouth wanting to come clean to Jimin but then suddenly Jungkoook's image flashed before his eyes.

Fate was a really funny thing, wasn't it?

Taehyung was the one who loved Jimin truly through thick and thin and the one fate gave him to, was Jungkook.

"Chim you know I am sorry so stop trying to make me more guilty." More lies spilled past his lips. He was heartbroken, and maybe a little sorry that he wasn't fast enough to get what he wanted, but he wasn't guilty.

"It sounds to me as if you are trying to make excuses," Jimin said and Taehyung held his breath for some reason waiting for Jimin to say that he knew Taehyung was lying all along and maybe then Taehyung would be able to say the three words he has held back.

"Taehyung I need to go I will deal with you later," Jimin said instead, and before Taehyung could ask him to stay the phone call ended.

And Taehyungs apartment fell into the despairing silence yet again.

He started at the glass and the way his fingers gripped on the cold thing before flinging it away. It shattered into tiny little pieces the red liquid spilling everywhere.

"Why not me?" He yelled, before pathetic sobs erupted his being like a raging volcano finally bursting.


Jimin was sitting at his office desk head in hands as he stared at the file in front of him closing it quickly when Taehyung suddenly burst inside his office, slightly breathless with restless eyes and bags indicating his sleeplessness.

Jimin stood up surprised to see Taehyung in his office in the early hours of the morning while looking like he barely slept.

Breathing heavily Taehyung stepped forward before pulling Jimin in a bone-crushing hug.

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