#19: The Past Returns

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"I stood alone on the familiar road where we often meet reminiscing the mistakes of a moment long gone by."

{Not proofread}


The steering wheel spun underneath my hand as I turned the car down the driveway before parking it on the porch smiling I picked up the box of cookies on the passenger seat and the box of kimchi stew and kimbap that Jin had made. My stomach rumbled loudly in hunger and I quickly got out of the car carrying the lunch. Thank goodness that being Jimins spouse I didn't have to go through the security checks and got an easy pass or else that would have surely taken a while and probably been unbearable for my poor hungry stomach.

The sun was shining brightly and the sky was a bright blue yet there was a cool autumn breeze that accompanied the mid-august storms.

I was anticipating a scolding from Jimin but I had finished work and it was my lunch break anyway. So when Jin had told me he was sending lunch for me I had told him I would come to take it myself so I can share it with Jeo since the kid liked Jin's cooking and also update him on last night's event before he comes after me wielding a knife. 

So here I was carrying the lunch to share it with Jeo and Jimin since he was home, while my stomach rumbled impatiently.  Once I was inside I jogged to the kitchen where I found Mrs. Lee cooking. I stopped her and asked her to serve the food Jin made instead.

"Mrs. Lee, where is everyone?" I looked around the living room but didn't find Jimin or Jeo so I asked Mrs. Lee. I was expecting a little excited ball to yell at me the moment he saw me and I won't lie and say I wasn't disappointed.

It was weird how I had grown used to Jeo's presence.

The caretaker smiled, "Mr. Park's friend came over to visit so they are sitting in the backyard and little Jeo is with them too."

I recalled Jimin telling me about his childhood best friend last night and I couldn't help but wonder if it was the same guy named Taehyung and I suddenly felt the curiosity flare up in me. 

"Is it Taehyung?" I inquired from Mrs. Lee. The name felt weird on my tongue after so long and especially when I used it to address Jimins friend. Mrs. Lee nodded and I hesitated before I couldn't hold back my curiosity any longer. 

As I approached the backyard and saw Jeo playing through the glass windows meanwhile for the other two, the bushes obscured them and I could only see a pair of heads, one dark the other an ash blonde. A familiar mop of ash blonde hair.

As I stepped out I felt my heart beat faster. I tried telling myself I was just being paranoid and it was all a coincidence I heard Jimin say, "Thank you, Tae, for being here for my family while I wasn't. I really owe you." Jimin's voice bleeding with sincerity and yet my mind got stuck on the fact that he called me family, "If it weren't for Jungkook and you..." Jimin trailed off, "What I mean to say is I am really grateful to you both."

While Jimin was speaking I had walked into the backyard and now I could completely see the two people sitting on the chairs and my throat hitched as I recognized the other person beside Jimin.

A million emotions swarmed my mind out of which the feeling of being betrayed stayed prominent all of which was directed at Taehyung.

"There is no need to be grateful to someone who just fulfilled their responsibility." I couldn't help but my words directed more to Taehyung and I saw the way his muscles tensed Jimin turned to look at me while Jeo yelled, "Iron man!" before running towards me.

Taehyung stayed frozen and at that moment I knew Jimin doesn't know.

Jeo crashed into my legs and made me stumble a couple of steps back when I looked down the little rabbit smiled at me and my chest warmed up I kneeled and hugged him before Jeo could burst into his rant Jimin walked up to me coldly with a frown and dark eyes and the expression he would give people before firing them, and I immediately held up my hands momentarily forgetting Taehyung, "I can explain!"

But he grinned suddenly, "Did you think you will leave the office and no one would tell me?"

"And here I was worried that you would skin me alive when you will see me here early," I couldn't help but roll my eyes as Jimin said, "Also Jin called me saying that he has sent lunch for me too and you were supposed to share."

Before I could open my mouth Taehyung who was frozen suddenly stood up and smiled at Jimin, "Okay Jimin I will be leaving now I remembered I have a meeting."

My eyes teared up and I wanted to tell him that he was a coward but before I could speak, Jimin said, "Tae, You haven't officially met Jungkook yet have you?"

Taehyung who had turned with the intention to leave froze and turned around to meet eyes with Jungkook for a split second before looking away and when he looked back at Jimin he was composed, "Hello Jungkook, I am Jimin's childhood best friend Taehyung."

Jungkook felt anger well up but he composed himself as he sneaked a look at Jimin who was oblivious to the past the two people shared, smiling softly to Jeo who was now holding Jimins finger tugging at his sleeve and inquiring him about Jin.

I couldn't drag him into our personal war, the war Taehyung and I had unconsciously engaged in, Jimin already has enough on his plate without the added worry of knowing my ex was his best friend.

My face was blank as I replied, "Hello Taehyung, nice to finally meet Jimin's best friend. I am Jungkook, Jimin's husband." I didn't wait to see Taehyung's expression as I turned around feeling my eyes grow moist. 

I didn't know what it was that we had because I know Taehyung never returned my feeling yet I can say I never moved on because I always held myself at fault, thinking I had pushed him away. I had always thought I wasn't enough. 

I lost my appetite and left briefly telling Mrs. Lee to inform Jimin. I ran away like a coward yet again from problems that I should face. 

And I could only wish that I won't end up hurting Jimin because I knew I won't forgive myself if I do.

It was dark when I finally got done with my work sitting in my office in the building of Jeon enterprises. As I sat drowning in work suddenly my phone rang starling me and I started at the mess of files and papers in front of me before starting to search for the damn phone. It was lying in one of the many files acting as a bookmark and I bitterly smiled as I recalled that I had been in a similar situation right before I was signed off to marry Jimin.

It was Jimin calling me, I hadn't saved his number on my phone but I knew no one else would call me at this hour. And the funny thing was I also knew he was probably waiting for me wondering why I wasn't home yet.

I didn't receive that call not knowing what to tell him or how to face him after saying what I said earlier and then running away like a chicken. Yet I couldn't just walk away either knowing he would be worried. Just when I decided to go back home the door to my office was slammed open and I jumped up upsetting a handful of files.

When I looked up my heart stopped beating as found the person I least wanted to see at the moment standing right before me.

"Can we talk?" he asked.


Hope you like the chapter and sorry if there are any mistakes I have really been busy today but I wanted to update so here you go. 

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