#1: Coincidences

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"Has fate ever spared anyone before?"


He ran a hand through his hair messing up the effort he put into styling them this very morning. His hands hovered over his keyboard as he recalled the events that happened today. His eyebrows scrunched together in frustration and his leg started bouncing out of anxiety.

Jeon Jungkook decided he was officially done with his parents, he knew they didn't care about his feelings ever since he was a kid but never in his wildest dreams had he thought that they can go as far as they did this time.

To him, it seemed like they were keen on breaking records for being the worst parents ever. He let out a helpless sigh knowing this was his worst-ever situation.

Today had started like any other normal day for him at the office. He was almost done with his day, returning from a meeting that went better than anticipated and he had successfully managed to secure a project worth millions, he was happy and looking forward to sleep and his bed. 

But guess he was just unluckily unlucky.

He had started to pack all of his stuff when his phone rang he picked it up placing it between his shoulder and ear as he continued packing. Shuffling through files he had to take home.


"Jungkook, it's Dad." the voice that came from the other end froze Jungkook.

His father was a busy person. Being the workaholic he was and owning the second-biggest company in the country wasn't helping. And ever since Jungkook took over the business in Korea with his brother Seokjin their father had been working overseas.

"Uh, hello Dad." he stammered not knowing how to respond.

Try as he might Jungkook couldn't remember when his father had called him last time. When he had seen the other man.

It was a huge occurrence for his dad to call out of the blue like that. Jungkook knew it was something important or his dad wouldn't bother.

"Listen, son, I would have come myself to tell you this but work called unexpectedly. So I thought to call you instead." His father took a deep breath as if he was preparing himself to say the next words. And any doubts Jungkook had about his father's intentions vanished as a feeling of fright settled in his stomach. He was dreading the bomb his father was going to explode.

"Jungkook I arranged you into a marriage."

Jungkook forgot the file he was holding as it slipped through his finger landing on the floor as the papers went sprawling in every direction. He sank into the leather seat as his mind started processing what his father had said.

Suddenly Jungkook scoffed.

"I know what you might be feeling but it's essential for our business. You know that if the Parks withdraw their shares it will be hard for our company to revive."

"The Parks? Dad, are you serious? They don't have a daughter I could marry. They only have three sons. Unless..." Jungkook's words trailed off as the final realization sunk in.

And for the first time, Jungkook hung up on his Father.


Jungkook looked at the keys over which his hands hovered before they moved on their own to type 'PARK CORPORATES HEIR' in the search bar. Jungkook knew even if he managed to hang upon his father that was as far as he could go.

Immediately searches showed up. And why would they not? The guy was the business Icon of Korea. The youngest businessman to have millions working under him.

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