#20: Confrontation

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"The brave confront what frightens them and learn the way and overcome the fear."


The early morning sky was gray and cold just like Jungkook's heart. It was aching and hurting making him anxious and worried. Yet the man just let out a sigh and steeled his heart for what he was about to do.

He pulled on a black pullover hoodie over his white shirt and picked up his silver watch and his wallet, wanting to put it in his jeans pocket but his hand stopped midway. Slowly he retracted his hand and opened the wallet. Inside was a photo of three kids playing in a pool, and in the same pocket along with the photo was a platinum ring with three shiny diamonds.

A brief desire to wear the ring crossed his mind and driven by the unexplainable desire he pulled out the ring. The metal was cool and when he slipped it onto his finger the ring felt as if it was made for him.

Who was he kidding? It was definitely made for him.

Looking at the ring he felt a weird sense of comfort.

When the brunette finally left the room the house was silent and dark. Jimin and Jeo were still asleep. Jungkook couldn't help but feel guilty, yesterday he had left abruptly and returned late completely ignoring both Jimin and Jin's.

And now he was leaving with the first rays of the sun.

He should have told Jimin at least where he was going but he didn't know what to say.

He didn't have the face to tell Jimin that he was going to meet his ex this early in the morning and that too behind his back. And neither could he tell Jimin that this ex was none other than Jimin's only childhood best friend who had a crush on him?

And most of all the fact that Jimin was the sole reason for their breakup?

He couldn't do that at least not yet.

When he came downstairs, he realized Mrs. Lee was already busy in the kitchen and suddenly Jungkook's stomach growled loudly. Jungkook had always been a huge food lover and he was typically the kind that would eat too much when stressed about something and that habit was still there.

He peeked into the kitchen and was immediately greeted with the scent of pancakes and bacon and eggs. His stomach growled again and making up his mind he stepped into the kitchen.

Mrs. Lee was surprised to see him and asked, "Mr. Jeon why you are awake so early in the morning?"

"Yeah,'" Jungkook replied briefly, avoiding the topic, he placed his phone and keys on the table and sat down, "I need to go somewhere. Is breakfast ready?"

"Yes, of course." Mrs. Lee immediately got to work.

Jungkooks mouth watered as he lifted a spoonful of eggs and since he was hungry at that moment the breakfast tasted heavenly on his tongue.

For the next few whiles, the kitchen was filled with the sound of cutlery and the sizzling sound of frying eggs. Eventually, Jungkook couldn't help but ask, "What did Jimin cook last night?"

"Mr. Park made Kimchi Fried Rice, Japchae, and Budaejjigae. He waited for you until really late saying he wanted to eat together. But eventually, Mr. Park went to sleep saying he wasn't hungry." Mrs. Lee said nonchalantly but Jungkook could still hear a hint of reproach in the voice.

The eggs tasted sour in his mouth and he no longer had any appetite, his guilt making his throat clench. Mrs. Lee wasn't wrong to blame him, or think he was unworthy of Jimin, for all he knew, Mrs Lee had been with Jimin and Jeo for a long time.

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