Epilogue I: The Salvation

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The golden sun emerged, illuminating the green gardens of the white marble house and shining through the open curtains and onto Jimin's face, waking him up. 

He shifted awake carefully, removing Jungkook's arms from around his bare body and moving the younger one in a more comfortable position as he sat up letting out a yawn, still slightly sleepy.

Nevertheless, he got out of bed, adjusted the blanket around Jungkook's bare body, and pushed Jungkook's hair away from his face before kissing his forehead. But the younger was too tired and only let out a hum, nose scrunching, causing the older to smile.

He got up, stretched, and took a shower before making his way down the hall to check up on the kids only to find the one-year-old wide awake, sucking on his thumb.

"Pa-pa!" He calls upon spotting Jimin, grinning like a bunny and kicking his tiny legs to express his happiness. Causing his father to coo with an endeared smile. Jimin leans into the blue crib to unwrap his baby from the blankets.

Gathering the little human in his arms Jimin kissed Guwon's forehead as he carried him to the washroom, "Did my baby sleep well?"

Guwon babbles as Jimin helps him brush his teeth, causing the little one to jump in excitement. 

Jimin knew at one point he had been against children but it had all changed one day. It had been one of their therapy sessions and while they had been sitting in the waiting room, they had seen a couple laughing happily because their daughter had said her first words.

It had made him realize that he had never got to experience that with Jeo. And that feeling had only gotten worse when he had seen the longing in Jungkook's eyes.

So he had talked with Yoongi and Seokjin and decided to look for surrogates and after a whole month of research, he had finally talked to Jungkook.

And the happiness in Jungkook's eyes had been worth it. The journey wasn't easy, and after Guwon was born they thought he wouldn't survive the birth. 

He had trouble breathing when he was delivered. 

The doctors had lost hope, almost giving up on him but suddenly the baby began to kick and cry. They had called him a miracle baby.

Lost in his thoughts, Jimin almost didnt notice when a sleepy Jungkook showed up. His hair was all over the place, and his eyes were half-closed.

The big baby didn't say anything, he sleepily waddled over and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and placed his head in the crook of Jimin's neck to continue sleeping.

Jimin only smiled, not at all bothered.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Jungkook mumbled groggily, sounding upset. 

Jimin raised a hand and ruffled Jungkook's messy hair, "Because you slept late last night and I just wanted to go and check on the kids only to find Guwon awake. My little baby is an early riser."

Jimin pressed a kiss on the messy mop of hair resting on his shoulder and Jungkook hummed. 

"I will go check up on Jeo and take a bath, then I can cook breakfast." Jungkook said in a low voice and Jimin shook his head, lips curled in a smile, "Don't. Stay away from my kitchen and watch the kids."

Although it's been five years somehow Jungkook still sucked at cooking. The younger didn't argue instead he stepped away to leave before stopping in his tracks as he remembered something.

"We are still going over to Taehyung's for their wedding anniversary right?" Jungkook asked, stifling a yawn.

By now Guwon had also finished drinking his formula milk and pushed the bottle away as he sat up and called for Jungkook.

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