#28: Home

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"Home is not a place, home is wherever you are."


It was now or never.

Jungkook's heart started to beat fast, and his stomach twisted into knots.

"I love you," he whispered against the other's eyes, voice barely audible over the blowing wind. "I love you, Jimin-ah."

His mouth ran on its own speaking the words that had been running in his mind for weeks now, "I love how you make me want to be happier, how whenever I look at you all I see is a person who won't judge me. I love you Jimin because I feel like I belong here, with you. Even though you deserve better I just-"

He broke off midway when abruptly two hands grabbed his collar and pulled him closer as warm, plump lips pressed against his own.

Jimin kissed him and Jungkook felt his frozen body melt losing his mind and his last remaining rationality. He kissed Jimin back, his whole body burning feverish with desire.

The kiss was fierce, getting urgent as Jimin's hands slid down, one wrapping around his waist the other tugging at the collar of his sea-blue shirt to pull him closer.

Jungkook shivered, gasping, he let Jimin take control, possibly because he was scared of doing something wrong and possibly because he could feel his mind switching off, yet his hands were wrapped around Jimin's protectively.

Jimin tilted his head deepening the kiss, swallowing the gasp taking the opportunity to push his tongue in Jungkook's mouth, he felt like he was intoxicated.

It was the most intense kiss between them and Jungkook felt like he would pass out, his stomach was full of butterflies and he was surprised that a kiss alone had affected him so much.

Unbidden Jungkook let out a soft moan.

It started to drizzle. The fire fizzled out as the water started to pour and the water droplets pelted against the pool and glass banister creating a symphony.

A sense of deja vu enveloped him, and he recalled, two warm hands holding his the sound of heavy rain against the windows, and Jimin's voice saying,  "Just remember that you are not alone, Jungkook. I wish we had met in different circumstances... maybe... things would be different between us. But I still want to help you find your reason to live. Will you let me be your savior?"

Jimin reluctantly pulled away gasping for breath with hooded eyes looking at Jungkook, with his eyes closed and the water droplets caught in his long lashes, glimmering as if they were diamonds.

Jimin swallowed heavily when Jungkook started to rub Jimin's waist in an attempt to calm his mind, his eyes teared up.

Fuck rationality, Jimin thought, I can't let you go. I won't repeat my mistakes.

Jungkook's chest was heaving as he tried to catch his breath when he felt Jimin's lips brush against his ear as the other whispered, "Say it again."

Jungkook's mind had stopped working and he was feeling light-headed, his heart was hysterical and there was only one person on his mind, only aware of the hand softly brushing against his cheek, "I love you, Park Jimin." he breathed out shakily.

"Oh, God." Jimin gasped, the breath warm against his neck, where he felt Jimin's lips a moment later, as Jimin mumbled against his skin in a voice thick with emotions, "I love you, too."

Jungkook felt like his soul left his body, he forgot to breathe. This was the first time he had heard someone say those words to him.

At that moment Jungkook was thankful that Taehyung hadn't returned his feelings. It wouldn't have been as special as this.

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