#8: Heart made of Glass

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" I gave away my heart to you, it's yours keep, to love, or to throw it away and let it break apart."



"Where did you learn that from." Jungkook laughed loudly as he parked the car in front of their house pulling Jeo on his lap to tickle the kid.

Jeo laughed loudly. "No uncle kookie sowy."

"I am going to tell your papa that you have started cursing." Jungkook threatens with a smile on his lips.

Holding Jeo on his waist he walked up to the porch only realizing now that Jimin's car wasn't parked. And it was the past the time Jimin was meant to come home.

"If you tell papa I will say you taught me." The little devil wasn't even worried.

"Huh? I don't use that word. Its too low class. You know what? Maybe I will teach you a few good cuss words but not today." Jungkook placed the kid that resembled Jimin down.

"Wae?" The kid asked jumping at the thought of doing something forbidden.

"Because I have to attend this stupid business dinner with your papa."

He sighed as he fell into the sofa and looked around the empty house. Jeo jumping into his lap while the maid came running over.

"Mrs. Lee where is Jimin?"

"Sir, Mr. Park came home an hour ago and left after but he asked me to tell you that a driver will come to pick you by 8." Mrs. Lee bowed her head.

"Master Jeo come with me I will put you to bed." She said as Jeo begin to pout.

Jungkook smiled as the kid clung to him, "It's okay. I will put him to bed and give him a shower." Jungkook started getting up with the kid and started to climb the stairs as he could be heard talking to Jeo.

"Right little master you take a shower before you sleep don't you? Because I do. It's an excellent thing. Helps in sleeping better. Ah, I wish I was still a kid. You do realize you are lucky I am here? don't you?"

Mrs. Lee stood there smiling at the fading voices of the duo. She couldn't help but let this tiny spark of hope burn that maybe her master Jimin had finally met the right person.

Maybe Jungkook would heal him.

I exhale as I press the phone into my ear, "I can't believe you have the guts to do this to me after you only came back, Tae."

I was kinda angry Taehyung was supposed to be here helping me like a good old best friend but not only was he not here but he wasn't even coming to the dinner.

"Chim you know I am sorry so stop trying to make me more guilty." Taehyung laughs on the other side of the line, "in all honesty if I could cancel meeting my parents I would. But you know how they are."

"It sounds to me as if you are trying to make excuses," I stated eyes going over the venue as I walked about checking everything one last time.

Everything was a varying shade of gold and white.

The white tables and golden chairs, white and golden tapestries and hangings, and the white and gold artificial flowers. Even the waiter's costume was white and gold. The live orchestral band was setting up on the podium and the final touches were being made.

You could call me paranoid if you want but even if a little thing was a miss I couldn't rest until it was corrected. It wasn't easy to be this high in the business industry unless you had a clean record and due to my perfectionism I had avoided any unfortunate mishappenings

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