#7: Fated

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"Sometimes fate plays us all good."



I sighed tapping my fingers against glass table. And started at the ticking clock hanging on the wall.

A quarter past two.

I couldnt help but sigh again. Where the hell is he? I can bet my kidneys that he is gonna be another half an hour late.

I jolt as suddenly Jae Eun, my secretary suddenly enters the office. Her heels click against the floors as she marches to my desk placing a handful of files.

And there I am buried in work yet again. No wonder I sigh alot. Defeated I pick my pen up again. Plus today is the official congratulatory ceremony of the our wedding. Its gonna be a long day.

"Sir any more orders for me?" Jae Eun prompts.

I dont bother to look up again, "No, not yet." I wave my hand.

Jae Eun bows her head before turning to leave. But I call her again as I remember something.

"Is Yoongi in his office?"

"No sir the Vice chairman left a while ago."

"And Jungkook?"

"Sir he also left with Little Jeo."
By now I can feel the frown on my face.

"Did he say where they were going?"
I picked up my phone dialling Jungkooks number. How could he take Jeo like that without my permission.

"No sir." The secretary shook her head.

"Okay you can go." I dismissed her while placing the ringing phone on my ear, feeling a certain pressure building on my mind.

The least he could have done is atleast tell me where he was taking my son. He knows I dont trust anyone around Jeo. I kept on growong paranoid as the phone kept on ringing. And then turned to voice mail.

Again and again I called and everytime it reached voice mail.

"Pick up Jungkook! Pick up!"

My head ache started getting worse. It wasn't that I was over protective, I was paranoid. But how could I not be? When I faced so much in my past because of my father. When I barely managed to save my son from the darkness that came from being a Park. How could I not worry when my son was with an stranger. A person who had many reasons to hate me?

"Damn it!"

Throwing the phone on my desk I pulled my desk drawer open with trembling hands I pulled out a certain pill bottle.

I wanted to shake out a couple of pills. But the whole bottle tumbled on the ground. Small white tablets spilling everywhere.

I wanted to pick up a couple but my body was paralysed and just like that my vision went dark, a sharp ringing noise in my ears.

And then it wad too bright.

And lots of voices. Screaming and yelling. I covered my ears but the continued to blame me.

Remind me of my past.

"Its your fault."

"You think you have money so you can do whatever you want. Well think again whore."


"I wish you had died."

"Because of you my life has been cursed. Why don't you die?"

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