#23: The Most Beautiful Thing

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"I know you only see black and white. So I'll paint you a clear blue sky."

Troye Sivan (Blue)

Jungkook woke up startled, his heart beating fast and just as he was about to get out of bed, he sensed someone lying beside him.

Pushing himself into a sitting position he hurriedly turned on the bedside lamp and was met with Jeo's sleeping face, glowing in the golden glow of the lap.

Jeo had his thumb in his mouth, Jungkook couldn't help but be endeared reaching out a hand he carefully removed the thumb and leaned to kiss Jeo's forehead.

Jungkook's tense muscles relaxed and he straightened, closing the lights he was about to go back to sleep but he was seized by a sudden sense of urgency that made his throat tight.

Since Jeo was right beside him safe and sound, his first instinct was to reach for his phone to call Jimin.

Perhaps because ever since they had set foot in Japan, he has been uneasy.

He cautiously stood up to leave the room to go outside and make the call, placing the phone in his ear after dialing the number barely a second had passed when he was almost startled as he heard Jimin's phone ringing somewhere down the hall.

The ringing echoed and Jungkook couldn't help but shiver.

Shrugging he took a step thinking that maybe Jimin had not left and was still at home.

However, the next moment the sound of something smashing was heard, and Jungkook was startled so bad his heart started throbbing like crazy.

He broke into a run in the direction of the sound back covered in a cold sweat. 

As he neared he could make out Jimin's sobs and gasps. His heart dropped violently into his stomach. 

Jimin was curled up into a ball, leaning against the wall, hands fisted into his hair and lips pulled harshly between his lips in an attempt to drown out his pain.

The sight tore Jungkooks heart apart. He knelt and wrapped his arms around Jimin pulling the said man to his chest as he said, "Jimin, listen to me."

"It hurts," Jimin sobbed softly burying his face in Jungkook's chest and the younger was unsure if Jimin heard him or not but he still tried as he attempted to lift Jimin.

"I know it hurts but tries to breathe it will stop hurting! Jimin, focus on my voice! Breathe!" Jungkook somehow managed to half lift and half drag the other man who was heavy, "Let's count backwards yeah?”

Jimin was dazed, his eyes unfocused swimming in tears and he could barely walk he kept attempting to cover his ears. 

But Jungkook had to give Jimin his medicine, so even though dragging a full-grown man was tough Jungkook forced himself while he simultaneously coaxed Jimin to breathe and focus speaking all kinds of nonsense to distract the other.

Jimin's was dazed but he somehow managed to respond to Jungkook's hard labor by the time stepped into the bedroom, the latter was at least breathing properly.

Jungkook immediately looked in Jimin's office bag for the medicine, thankful that Jimin had prepared him for this situation beforehand.

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