Bonus I: Deleted Chapter

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( Hi guys, surprise! As you can guess from the title, this is a deleted chapter that I removed from the original plot line because I wasn't satisfied with it. But since I hadn't deleted it, I saved it to post as an extra. Enjoy ♥)

[Situated after Detective Bang gives Jimin the file with Jungsoo's details]

The laptop screen began to blur and the words on the screen started to dance before his eyes.

Jimin let out a long drawn-out yawn covering his mouth with his hand, leaning back against the pillows tiredly.

He was exhausted, having woken early this morning and working continuously without even a single minute of rest.

Yet he did not know if he could sleep tonight or if he would have to turn to those sleeping pills again.

Today had just been too much for his fragile brain.

Upon his movement, Jeo, who was asleep sprawled over Jimin's side with his head on his father's stomach, frowned snuggling closer.

When he had returned in the evening earlier the moment Jeo had seen him, Jeo had jumped into a lengthy illustration of his trip and Jimin was not the least bit surprised that most of it had been about his uncle's kookie.

However his hard had filled up with an unexplainable sorrow when Jeo said he wanted to go with Jimin the next time.

However, the continuous rambling had helped in making his unstable mood relatively better.

Jimin had listened to all the rant patiently all the while cooking, throughout the dinner, while he gave Jeo his bath until eventually the little guy got tired after his big day and fell asleep.

Jimin yawned again before reaching out and closing the laptop, he placed it on the nightstand as he gently adjusted Jeo to lay in a comfortable position covering his chest with a blanket.

Jimin's eyes were suddenly burning with the weight that he had been burdened with today.

Brushing away Jeo's hair he realized he was truly lucky to have his son with him safe and sound, to be able to see him and feel his warmth.

He was truly thankful for this little life that was his everything. His very reason to live.

He carefully picked up Jeo to take him to his room that was right across from Jimin's.

He tucked Jeo in and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

But he ended up sitting there lost in thoughts.

Jimin reached out and took Jeo's small hand in his and his mind belatedly realized that Jeo's hands were long-fingered unlike his own, yet they weren't unfamiliar.

They looked like Jungkook's hands.

He gently kissed the small fair and pink hand thinking, I am eternally grateful to have gotten this chance to be your father... To be able to witness you growing up, happy safe, and sound.

When he was young, Jeo used to barely speak, staying silent most of the time. Jimin had thought it was unusual for a child to be this silent so he had taken Jeo to therapists, worried he had some mental trauma.

The doctors had told him that the child was still growing and was probably still adapting to the change of environment, and the lack of his mother.

But even after some time had passed Jeo remained a man of few words. He would only speak when extremely necessary, otherwise, he would express his emotions through small actions.

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