#14: Miracles

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"Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts."


Jungkook was surprised and yet again, confused at the sudden question. For a moment he was rendered speechless then he whispered, "Yoongi hyung told me a bit..." he trailed off remembering the painful truth and suddenly, felt nauseous.

He was unable to look at Jimin sitting across from him, unconsciously stroking his right wrist and the words yoongi said were suddenly ringing in his head.

"...as, for his past, I can say he was raped and tortured about three years ago, pretty badly at that, and you can see how he has been since then."

It was such a common thing millions were victims of rape, abductions or assassination. It wasn't just women either, children, men and elderly all alike.

And both of the present men had been amoung the millions victims to these situations.

"Seven years ago, I inherited the companies in Japan after I finished my internship. Back then there was an on-going feud between dad and his bussiness rival, Shigimasu kote. Apparently there was a sudden discovery of minerals on an island around Japan that dad owned. But the thing was dad had almost sold the land to The Kote int. But there were still some formalities remaining hence dad refused when he learned about the resources, leading to the beginning of the feud. Naturally I did not know of this ongoing brawl but I got dragged into it." Jimin took a deep breath as our eyes met for a few seconds before he turned away again.

"I first got a threat back then but I ignored it. Eventually the threats turned into actions. And I started experiencing what it meant to live in fear. My dad could have just prevented this from happening but it had become a matter of his pride. How could the invincible god of the business empire suddenly bow down his head?" Jimin laughed painfully while Jungkook was clutching the blankets in his fist. A million emotions surging through his heart. And he could guess what would have happened next. And his throat filled up with bile as he imagined all the things that Jimin could have suffered through.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me." Jungkook quickly stopped the other man, his heart clenching painfully. Just imagining was painful.

Jimin smiled bitterly, "It was unbearable torture you know? I suffered through things that you won't be able to imagine and in those moments I just... wanted to die. The things they made me do and did to me...But death was a luxury and I wasn't granted that luxury."

Jimin was silent meanwhile the wind had stopped and the downpour had turned to only a soft patter of raindrops against the windows.

"In the end, dad finally surrendered the land. I left that place but a part of me had died. And the wish to end the rest never left, I was alive.... but I no longer had the will to live. The days were dark and the nights endless. I felt so worthless and filthy. I would have been sent to a mental asylum but how could the invincible Park let this happen? He wouldn't accept that I was insane. You understand now that why I hate him dont you? But miracles happen and then I met Jeo." Jimin's voice was broken and he had tears cascading down his cheeks.

But those tear-filled eyes shone with a faint light now, "Do you know what Jeo Jang means? It means 'to save'. He became my salvation and gave me a reason to live again."

Suddenly Jungkook realized why Jimin was suddenly telling all if this to him, Jimin raised a hand and wiped his eyes roughly, sniffing, "You might be thinking that maybe no one would understand you. But I have been thorough worse I still am walking the path to sanity... a part of me is still insane... I am trying to find myself. But you know what? I wont think about giving up."

"I see a similar uncertainty in your eyes. You carry a deep guilt within yourself. And fear. Maybe you are desperately trying to find a reason to live."

Jungkooks eyes were blown wide. That was true. He was trying to find his reason to live. He was trying to believe that his sister would come back to him alive that he would be able to redeem himself of this burden he has been carrying. The burden that he came back safe and she did not. That he had been living in luxury while who knows where she was?

Jimin suddenly took Jungkooks hands in his trembling ones, "Just remember that you are not alone, Jungkook. I wish we had met in different circumstances... maybe... things would be different between us. But I still want to help you find your reason to live. Will you let me be your saviour?"

Silvery traces of tears could be seen on Jimin's face and even Jungkook couldn't help it his eyesight grew blurry and he was crying. The words were overwhelming hitting Jungkooks tender heart. At that moment Jungkook remembered the promise he had made to Jeo.

He had promised to be their hero.

And suddenly he didn't think Jimin was bad but instead, now Jungkook felt something new in his heart, something foreign but warm.

It was funny how miracles find a person when they are about to lose their hope. Jungkook had only ever fully trusted in Jin and even then there were some lines that he had been unable to cross. Things that he never told Jin, the things that weight his heart the most.

But suddenly he had this miracle, coming in Jimin's life and stumbling across that little saviour of his, Jeo Jang. He had never believed in fate but right then watching the little flicker of hope in his otherwise dark life he couldn't help but let the flicker burn.

So he whispered, "Only if you let me help you in return."

The feeling of knowing someone understood you. And genuinely felt the words you spoke and not pretended to understand was beautiful.

The position they held each other in wasnt intimate but comfortable. Jimin places his head in Jungkook's neck and Jungkook held Jimin, battling unknown heavy emotions.

Jimin gave him a reason and Jungkook grasped that reason like a fluttering flower in the wind.

In the end, Jungkook told Jimin everything weighing on his heart.

"I will help you find, Jungsoo, Jungkook. We will find her."

Jungkook hesitated when you start to hope you should be prepared to get disappointed but a part of him trusted Jimin so he nodded.

"Jimin is it to late to start with being friends?" Jungkook asked in a low vouce afraid to shatter the peaceful silence.

"Then, lets start with being friends Jungkook."

Note from author to all of you: Remind me to never make promises, I am bad at keeping them😅

Anyways how are y'all?

I am fine, updating this during my onlins class lmao 😂😂

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