#10: Mistakes

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"If meeting you was a mistake then I am willing to be wrong a million times over."



Inside the main branch of Park enterprises, the employees were all on the edge. In the offices, news travels fast and the word was that Jimin was absolutely pissed. They all jumped at the slightest shout, afraid it could be Jimin firing employs.

Meanwhile, the said person was in a meeting, Jungkook was gone to review some work with Jin and Namjoon. The tension in the meeting room was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

The meeting was proceeding smoothly until Jimin abruptly stood up and beckoned his assistant over. Everyone held their breath while Jimin handed his tablet to Jae Eun and buttoned his coat.

"The visual representation of the product was childish, and there are no long term benefits or even the product doesn't look promising." Jimin glared at the people sitting around the table. "To me, it seems like a bunch of random puts together to get rid of work. Jae Eun?" Jimin turned to Jae Eun while the employees held their breath.

"Yes sir?"

"Disband the current team working on the project and start from scratch, and make sure everyone gets their termination letter." Having said the cold men left the room without a single glance at all the people he fired without a second thought.

"I wonder who Mr. park is angry at this time?" Jae Eun thought watching her boss leave.

Inside the room, Jimin slammed his head against the table again and again as a single moment ran in his head over and over and the taste of a single person's kiss stayed on his lips.

Raising his head Jimin asked himself the question he was asking himself over and over and yet was unable to find the answer to.

"What did I just do? And why?"

"What did I just do? And why?"

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This morning I woke up to my head slightly throbbing, telling me I had been through one of those seizures. Massaging my head I opened my eyes.

The room was brightly lit and Jeo was asleep beside me but I froze when I realized Jungkook was also there in the same bed as me, one arm around Jeo, and his hand was stretched towards where mine was probably lying moments ago.

Did he fall asleep holding my hand?

Frowning I tried to remember what had happened last night. Steadily the memories came flooding in and I felt cold. The party, the little argument, and me losing it all.

Did he see me like that?

I sat up again and leaned back, looking at Jungkook.

I tried so hard to not focus on just how perfect he was but every fucking time I looked at him, he just seemed more perfect than before and it annoyed me.

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