#34: Farewell

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"Farewells aren't the end, they signify the beginning."


⚠️Warning: Character death ⚠️


Jungsoo sat leaning against the white hospital bed, glancing out of the window, eyes tired. The monitor was beeping and the flowers in the window had wilted.

She wore a cap to cover her head, as she had lost almost all of her hair due to cancer. Her skin had lost all color, turning a translucent white.

It was painful living and she was fighting a lost war.

Seokjin and Jungkook were coming to visit and they wanted to tell her the good news.

But she had a feeling that it was time.

It was time for her to go.

She was really tired, her body ached and she had trouble breathing. All these years the only reason she held out and fought was so she could see her brother once more.

And know that her son was safe.

The monitors beeping speed up little by little and Jungsoo's chest heaved as she started to struggle with breathing.

Although she still wanted to live, she wanted to exist, to see her son grow up.

She wanted to be a good sister to Jungkook and wanted to see Jimin happy.

However, she knew she had run out of time. No matter how much she tried to hold on, hoping for a miracle, she knew it was pointless.

It was time to go.

"If there is another life," Jungsoo whispered to herself, "I -"

In the orange glow of the setting sun, Jeon Jungsoo's eyes followed the path of an eagle taking flight and slowly lost their focus.

The heartbeat monitor was beeping furiously and her oxygen saturation dropping sharply. The door to her room was pushed open and a nurse rushed in yelling something.

People said that at the moment when you are hanging on the last thread of life, you recall the life you lived.

And Jungsoo recalled her life, too.

It all flashed before her eyes, like a film.

Her mother's warm embrace, arguments with her twin, rope burns, and screams of kids that were with her in the small container where they were held hostage, tears that she learned to hold in.

Jimin smiled at her from across the room, a glass of champagne in his hands. A cheap-looking locket with a small plastic heart. A little piece of marble stone, a pair of cross shaped silver earrings.

Jimin's screams as they tortured him.

A breathing infant in her arms, gazing at her with her innocent eyes. Grown-up Jungkook gazed at her with a similar gaze, Seokjin giving her a smile that didn't reach his pained eyes.

Slowly life began to leave her body and her brain lost sense as her face turned to the side, wide-open eyes blank her last wish hanging in the air.

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